48 lost for words

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It's been a week of planning for the coronation. Whatever Reign wanted, she got it. Along with some of Fran's input of course but I understand that she's trying to help but still give Reign the freedom to choose things for herself.

I gather that they found a dress the day they went out. Obviously I'm not allowed to see it until today but I've been excited ever since.

Reign in a dress? She'll send me straight to an early grave I'm sure.

Milo has been helping me get ready all evening. I haven't seen Reign since this morning, when I woke up to a face full of her golden locks but I love it. I cuddled her a little tighter because I knew that we would be parting soon.

It slyly feels like we're getting married but I guess I've still got that to look forward to.

I watch in the reflection as Milo adjusts my tie. It's been a while since I last got dressed up for an event and I miss it all the same. "We should have more parties," I comment.

Milo flexes a brow. "I've been begging you to have a party for fucking years."

My eyes roll. "Not your kind of parties."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

I turn my attention to him, eyes settling on his that looked so much like our mothers. "You know what I mean," I grumble. "I mean sophisticated parties by inviting other packs from the district, even just seeing Kassian and Cleo's pack. It's nice to get dressed up, don't you think?"

Milo hums. "Yeah, I like getting dressed up too. Feels very official."

He takes a few more seconds making sure my tie is right and the collar of my shirt is flat. "All good?"

"All good," he grins at me, patting a hand down onto my shoulder and turning so we can glance back in the mirror. "What do you think?"

I check myself out, standing tall with my blonde hair perfectly styled. Little strands flick down my forehead as the rest is pushed back. I have no idea what Milo did but I need to hire him more because he can work wonders on someone who barely knows how to style themself.

"I look great," I nod in confidence and then flash him a knowing grin. "Thank you."

He bows his head to me. "Only the best for you, brother."

I clear my throat and lean down to twist my cufflinks between my jacket. "Is Nate coming?"

Milo's eyes dip to the floor and I frown. "Not sure. I invited him but who knows if he'll come. Things feel strange between us again. It's always up and then down, up and then down. I feel like he's second guessing everything and now I feel anxious all over again."

"How have your therapy sessions been?"

"Helpful," he nods encouragingly. This fills me with relief. "Reminds me that I'm not alone in this, that it's not weird that I have an addiction and I can get through it. I wish Nate would give me a chance to prove to him how amazing I would be as a mate. I wish things could be different."

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