18 strawberry lips

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I didn't expect Everett to allow me to come with him but I want to prove myself, especially being his mate. I don't want to just sit back and do nothing, that's not who I am. Getting involved with his pack and helping out is one way to earn their trust, I want them to see that I'm trying.

Even if my mind is telling me something else.

I've never been more grateful for Fran for sticking up for what I want. She's right, I am my own person and I am capable of making my own decisions. Everett didn't bring me here to be his little pet that stays at home where it's safe, we're equals.

When Fran said those few words he stared back at me and he knew that's what he wants, balance between us. If we're going to end up mating, I will officially become their Luna and I'll have to step it up.

How can I practice if Everett wants me to stay home in case I get hurt?

I refuse to be the damsel in distress. I can fight for myself. I've endured some dangerous situations whilst being alone, having to fight off rogues and run from stalls that I've stolen from. Been set upon with guys with weapons.

I'm sure I can keep myself out of harm's way if I'm in a big group. One of them being my mate. Deep down I know he's going to be worrying about me but I want him to know how serious about this I am.

His fight is my fight. And part of me has no idea what has changed in the last week but my guard has been let down. The thought of not being with Everett makes my skin crawl, that bond is finally growing and I'm trying to not let it affect my stance.

Everett can see through it but I appreciate he doesn't bring it up. I would die of embarrassment if he told me he knew what he was doing to me, it's obvious but I'm severely grateful he kept it to himself.

Fran sticks by my side as we head towards Kassian and Cleo's pack house, Everett is at the front leading with Milo. He keeps checking in on me every few minutes, I want to roll my eyes at his protectiveness but it makes my heart flutter.

He is genuinely concerned and I've never known for someone to give two shits about me.

That feeling is weird. Concern. He's concerned. I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts and tell myself to focus, that's all Everett has told me to do. Focus and stay alert, no distractions.

It would help if his voice didn't float into my mind every damn second.

We approach their pack house and I see Everett in the distance chatting to someone who must be from Kassian's pack. At first I see the back of their head, then they rotate and I stop dead in my tracks.

That dark greying rustled hair, broad shoulders and tall stature.

Blood drains from my face and I struggle to catch my breath. Fuck. No. No. No.

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