I'll have you |B|

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"Hunayn and alcohol are the worst combinations.." that was the first thought that came into his mind. She had passed out. Umair looked at her slumped form trying to make out what could be needed.

He knew that she had kissed him on an impulse. She was hurt and he was the easiest option available to her.

"Nayn...", he patted her cheek to wake her but she instead climbed onto him finding him to be the most comfortable pillow and slept. Her hands pulled his sleeve almost pulling her on him.

Umair didn't know how much he could bear but he couldn't do anything that she will regret. After all Hunayn Ahmed wasn't  his. She belonged to Hashim, the man who couldn't value his precious baby. Umair didn't know why but that was the first time, he wanted Hunayn for himself.

He wanted to be selfish but he know he couldn't be. His feelings for his nayn weren't so fickle. He knew that she loved that prick and he didn't stand a chance.

He caressed her soft hairs from her forehead and caressed her cheeks. There was a rosy hue on them.

"The effect of the alcohol she had confused." 

"It seems like she hasn't slept again for nights.." he tried to make some space between their bodies but the moment he tried, she would snuggle even more. Her head was now resting on his torso and he was trapped badly.

"Hunayn..nayn..Baby...." he patted her cheeks again but it had no effect.

"Great, she slept after making me confess. I hope she wasn't sober enough to know my feelings." His self thoughts were too loud but he didn't care now. The amount of alcohol in his system was sorely responsible for his untimely confession.

Till now he had deeply hid his feelings for her. He still sees that day, how his one lie had destroyed the life of a girl of eighteen years.

Seven years back

It was raining heavily that day, Umair was her senior in the University, just one short of completing his final year. He had a steady relationship with one of his father's friends daughters, "Sameera".

Umair had known from the moment he turned eighteen that his future was mapped by his father. He will have the best education, will join the family business and marry the woman his family will choose. He was sixteen when he first met Sameera at a common gathering.

She was beautiful, docile and had a wicked streak in her. Their meetings were limited to the occasional social gatherings until four years later they had tried dating.

His father had been vocal about his participation in the societal functions, he will one day inherit the business, estate and the mansion. Not that he didn't want.

For him it was his right but a day had changed his perspective.

Umair was running late, he had been called to the main office of his father's, something was related to the shares that he had, unfortunately the same day he had the last exam. He was going to the office but his car broke down. He was in the middle of the road and it was raining cats and dogs. He didn't notice a fast speeding car but someone else did.

A woman, fairly young had seen him and she was walking alone because of the lack of public transport that day. If she wouldn't have rushed towards him that day and pulled him along with her then, it would have been his last day.

Unfortunately that incident was recorded, the girl had gotten some scratches as they had fallen due to the sudden disbalance and Umair had helped her that day.

𝑬𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝑶𝒇 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕Where stories live. Discover now