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The party was in full swing. She was looking ethereal in the black dress that was completing her skin tone, the light jewellery she was sporting and the serene smile that was spread across her face.

"You look beautiful love", his words made her blush a little. She looked at his face, he looked so contended with her in his arms as he swayed her very slowly, savouring the feeling of her in his arms.

"You dance beautifully," he again completed as he dipped a little only to look in her beautiful green eyes.

She felt a little trepidation as he immediately brought her close to him. She was feeling the onslaught of emotions something she never felt with another male, not even her husband.

" ... Is ...not.. " she couldn't form any legible sentence.

Her heart was beating with an unimaginable speed and she knew that it was the effect of having the company of the man who was a dream for any woman.

But she wasn't that woman.

It was party thrown for her by her parents in law for her but she didn't know that she would be caught in the web of the sensitive feelings that she haven't felt for a long time.

She had conveniently discarded those feelings years back when she was shunned by her own husband now again she was given the feeling of wanted.

"I have already proposed for the marriage to your parents," he told her discreetly as the song changed but his hold on her tightened.

"The dance is over.." her swift but rigid words made him to plead to her.

"One more dance please.." his husky voice was making her puddle in his proximity not to forget his natural fragrance mixed with pine and wood.

All natural.

She was helpless infront of this man. He was able to make her thoughts on him. He was the one who would create a longing in her and the three meetings that she had with him were all they had.

Sensing her silence, he twirled as his eyes gestured to the music band for a soft melody.

"Sorry for forcing you..", he whispered in her ears as she felt her hands close enough to push him but next second she was caged in him.

"I am already married.." he heard her say but he was already correcting her.

"Divorced love... But I am happy that it didn't work out.." he was appearing happy, almost grinning.

"I don't know.." she paused and looked at him forcing the next words.


He twirled her and now bringing her close to his torso with her back to his front and his senses creating havoc in her.

"Ten dates love.. only ten.." he proposed and

"A very happy Birthday.." he kissed her on her cheek bringing her out of her reverie and out of the dance floor.


It's already been a month since that impromptu proposal and he had been true to his words.

Taken her to two dates since and decided to have the third with her at her home with her parents.

Correction parents in law.

She was having her lunch when a commotion brought the occupants of the house to the man who was selfish and shameless enough to come back demanding her back.

He wanted her back in his life, his ex wife.

If she was shocked then it would have been nothing new for her but she was angry. The man infront of her was everything for her, her mizaji khuda and what he did.

He humiliated her, killed her every happiness, shunned for her birth, her upbringing and almost brought her to the brink of destruction making her so weak that she even thought to commit suicide.

The husband of hers.

She looked at him and moved towards her. Despite her mother in law's protest, the fallen face of her intended. The man who was bringing her back and declared.

"Well let's give it a chance.." she stated calmly. Her whole life had been put infront of her in the form of the man that was supposed to be her protector, her friend, her confident to her husband. She looked at the family members.

There was her father and mother standing looking equally tensed. By father and mother she meant her in laws, the parents who had literally brought her up. She was a child bride.

This was the day her parents in law had called her parents to have her intended meet him.

Her father was there, he was having no say in her life, well how can he decide anything now when he himself had relinquished the said responsibility very easily by getting her married at the age of fifteen. The tradition of their village to get the girls married early.

And then there was her husband, who has apparently realised her importance in his life, maybe after his mistress had left him.

That's what he had, he had left her with her in laws for seven years and two years back he had married his long time mistress.

So, like a good and respectful left wife she was having nothing, no complaints, no self respect Nothing. And then suddenly he appears, like nothing happened, stating that I was his wife. The wife he left for his keep or his supposed second wife.

"Don't worry I am nothing like you. I will not ask you why you have come back. Don't worry. I am here and I am going to give you the chance, the second chance that you deserve." She cleared with a soothing smile on my face. He was happy, she could make it from his grin. It was like he had gotten a lottery.

She didn't wanted to see anyone else for the matter as it was between her husband and herself.

"Fariya, I know you will never forget our relationship. No one will understand what we shared. Not even my parents." He said with so much emotion that she could feel that the tablespoon of emotion he was capable of showing has been so much actually.

She nodded with a smile and immediately turned towards the man who was standing quietly till now. She turned towards him, smiled and held his hand. She know that by doing this all the eyes were on me but she neither cared nor it mattered to her.

She held his hand tightly and gave her final words to her husband.

"But only after enjoying my life with him. You had an affair, you had it's fun and now it's my time. I will have a full fledged affair maybe an engagement too. Then when I will feel that I am bored of my relationship. I will come and give our marriage a chance." Fariya said with so much conviction.

Her intended, Asfandyar looked at the woman who was holding his hand in her iron grip with a smile on her face.

While, her husband was having difficulty in grasping her words.

Her words had a pleasing effect on everyone except my husband.

Well, he never expected that she can be a vindictive. But alas, it's his own doing. The venom he had fed to me is now coming out in my defence.



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