Chapter 27

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Ashley's Pov

(Continuation from previous chapter)

Aaron's eyes meet mine.

His eyes meet mine but that's all that happens.

His eyes meet mine but he doesn't approach me, no.

Instead he walks to a table directly across mine and Tylers and sits down with Kailani.

It's feels like a blade is piercing my heart.

Its like the talk we had about our friendship was all in my imagination.

They start ordering and occasionally laugh at god knows what.

"Hey, you okay?" Tyler asks with a concerned look.

I don't realize I'm holding my fork so tight till Tyler points it out.

"Yeah, yeah sorry I'm alright just abit nervous for the party tonight," I say.

Tyler knows I'm not the biggest party fan.

With so much alcohol and people in their worst states its probably one of the worst.


I'm eighteen today so I think I deserve one.

"Don't worry baby, there's not gonna be too many people," He smiles.

God, that smile.

Its definitely contagious because I find myself smiling back at him.

That sentence brought me a wave of relief.

We continue eating but the whole time my eyes are on Aaron and Kailani.

Not once.

Not once has he even looked our way let along at me.

Once we finish our food, Tyler pays and we go to leave but.

"Hey man, didn't see you there," Tyler says.

I was unaware that they were still friends.

"Hey, what's up?" Aaron asks.

"Nothing, just taking my girl out on her birthday," He says smiling at me.

I smile back but feel abit awkward.

I thought now maybe Aaron would wish me but no.


And damn my stupid heart for cracking.

The cherry on top is the fact that Aaron hasn't even acknowledged me.

And I'm so, so confused.

I thought we were friends.

I thought wrong.

After the long minute of awkward silence, I say,

"Ty, we should get going, I still have to go dress up for the party."

"Yeah sure. Aaron, you coming tonight? You could bring Kailani with you if you'd like," He says.

Suddenly I'm irritated.



But I don't show it.

I fake a smile and wait for the answer, praying she doesn't come.

I don't have any reason to hate her.

But she sure does hate me.

"Yeah, sure thing, we will be there," Kailani says.

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