Chapter 13

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Ashley's pov

My phone rings causing my sleep to get completely ruined.

No one will understand but once you wake me up, I can not go back to sleep unless I'm really tired.

I pick up my phone without checking the Caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi," a voice responds.

I pull my phone away from my ear and check the Callers Id along with the time.

For fucks sake.

"For the love of God Aaron go to sleep! It's 2 in the fucking morning," I say.

"Please," He pleads, he sounds drunk.

"Aaron, are you drunk?"

"Please Ashley," He says and I can hear little sobs.

"Aaron, talk to me, what's wrong?" I say worriedly.

"Come get me," He says.

"Okay, okay, where are you?"

"Ill.. send you.. the location," He says unclearly.

"Okay," I say and cut the phone off.

After two minutes i get a message from Aaron. I open it and open his location.

What the fuck is he doing behind the woods?

I swear if I get kidnapp-

Shut up Ashley.

I grab my car keys, put on a jacket and sneak out of the window.

I've been getting a lot better at this.

I unlock my car and quickly drive off to wherever the fuck he is.

After a few minutes I reach near the forest and get out and start walking.

The maps app guides me through the forest and I can't lie, I thought it would be much scarier but it's beautiful.

After a few minutes of navigating through the forest I finally reach where his phone is apparently located.

At first I don't see him but instead a huge lake kinda area and it's beautiful.

It's so clean and blue.


And then I see Aaron, at the side, one hand chugging a beer down and the other laying on the ground.

"Aaron? What happened?" I say and he looks back at me.

His eyes are bloodshot read and puffy, and his face looks wet from crying.

"You came," He smiles drowsily.

His smile is the sweetest thing.

"Yeah ofcourse," I say walking to him and sit down next to him.

I lay his head down on my lap and gently massage his head.

"What happened?" I ask softly.

"My mom she um she is sick," He says shakily looking up to me.

My heart drops.

"Sick how?" I ask.

"Um, a few years ago.. she got cancer. She managed to beat it and we all thought it was gone. Recently she started getting sick and so sh- she did the test again and it was positive. I found out last night, when I went to get the snacks," He says.

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