Chapter 5

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Ashley's Pov.

"Damn you are bold." Aaron chuckles.

"I can't believe I just did that." I say.

"Yeah well I guess you agree to fake date me huh?" He says with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, but we need to have some rules okay?"

"Of course." He rolls his eyes.

We go out to the compound area and situate ourselves on a bench under a tree.

I take out a notebook to write down the rules and Aaron does the same.

"Okay, rule number one, no sex." I state.


"Rule number two, we can or in this case I can date, make out, do whatever I want with anyone." He says.

I scoff in response, "Agreed but must be done in private only."

He nods in agreement.

"And lastly, rule number three, we can't fall in love with each other." I say.

"What makes you think I would fall in love with you?" He scoffs.

"Just a precaution." I sigh.

"Yeah well this precaution won't be needed cause I'm not going to fall in love with you." He chuckles.

"Asshole." I stick my tongue out.

We sit in complete silence for about two minutes until Aaron speaks.

"So.. Lee, will you forgive him?" He says.

"Probably yeah," I say with a breathless chuckle. "Just not right now though."

"Yeah I figured, besides he needs to cool off too since we are now dating."

"Yeah.. Anyways its not his place to decide whom I date, especially not when he is dating someone I hate."

"Yeah but I'm sure he didn't mean to make out with her on your locker I mean, you know how she is." He says.

"I know.. Anyways should we go to class?" I ask.

He checks his watch before answering, "Nah, class is already almost over Anyways so there's not really a point to go."

"Oh okay but this is the last class we are missing today and besides there's only one more class left." I say with a smile.

"Tomorrow after school you are coming over to meet my mother. She said and I quote 'I'm dying to meet the girl who captured your heart'." He says and puts his hand on his forehead for the dramatic expression.

We both break down laughing for a good couple of seconds before the bell rings.

"Ugh, I'm really not in the mood for History right now, to make it worse it's with Tyler." I sigh.

He chuckles in response.

We both get up and start making our way to the locker.

We get our books and part ways.

This is gonna be fun.


"Class dismissed." Our History teacher says.

The whole time Tyler tried talking to me as he sat next to me but I completely ignored him.

I grab my bag and rush out of the class only to be pulled back two seconds later.

"Please can we talk?" Tyler asks.

"No." I say.

"Please just hear me out then I won't bother you again." My heart sinks.

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