Chapter 18

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Aaron's Pov ;)

I have rage.

Pure rage.

I was about to leave for school but I heard a scream coming from Ashley's House, a scream that belonged to Ashley herself.

So without thinking I barged into her house, and while half of me is glad I did so I can help her, the other part of me is traumatised for her.

"Who are you and what makes you think you can just barge into my house like that!" Ashley's father - who doesn't even deserve to be a father of such a sweet girl - shouts.

"Aaron please, go away," Ashley pleads, barely hanging on.

There's blood dripping from her head, arms, everywhere. You could say she is a bloody mess, literally.

At this moment there were only two things in my head, 1. Save Ashley, number 2, kill the son of a bitch who did this to her.

I look over at Ashley and she is so weak, her eyes are barely open.

In one go, I run to her father, grab him by his collar, push him to the wall and start punching him.

"What type of a father.." punch, " his own child!"

I punch him continuously not giving him a chance to fight back.

He tries to anyways and manages to lay a hit on me, causing my nose to bleed.

He is so gonna regret this.

I wipe my nose and look at him dead in his eyes, trying to rile him up.

He starts running to me like a mad man and 1 second before he reached me I step away, letting him fall to the ground.

He hits his head on the front and blood starts flowing out, causing him to pass out.

I check to see if he is breathing and unfortunately, he is. I check the damage, he'll live.

"Aaron, help," Ashley says very softly.

I quickly run to her and pick her up, bridal style. At that same time, a woman, who I'm guessing is her mom pulls up.

I don't care enough to stay, instead I place her in the passenger seat and buckle her up.

I wanna ask her if she is okay, hell I wanna ask her so many different questions but I restrain.

"I'm taking you to a hospital," I say firmly.

"Aaron, please please don't. They will ask questions and if they find out-"

"So what if they find out? You will finally get some peace Ashley. Right now, for your sake I'm not asking you anything," I say.

"Aaron, you don't understand. Everything will be ruined. Please. I can't risk them calling child services. I'll be taken away from anything I've ever known," She cries.

I think about it for a moment before answering.

"Fine. But I'll call my friend. He is a doctor, he can help without the questions." I say, turning back.

"Thank you," She croaks out.

"No, im sorry. Im sorry for everything you have gone through. I wish you had told me," I say.

It is at this moment Eli starts to cry.

I completely forgot he was even there, in the back seat.

I look back at Ashley to see if she noticed but instead her eyes are closed.

My heart aches for her, in more ways than one.

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