Chapter 2

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Ashley's pov.

I woke up to the sound of of lovely birds chirping and the sound of peace, my mother came into my room with pancakes in her hand and a big smile on her face.

Yeah right, only in my wildest dreams.

But no unfortunately I woke up to the sound of plates smashing into the ground, loud thumps and my father screaming my name telling me to 'get my ass down there'.

I pick up my phone to check the time, 6:21 AM. What does he want now? My alarm for work doesn't ring till 9 for fucks sake.

I jog downstairs and see blood dripping from my so called father's hand.

"What happened?" I ask with worry. Yes he is abusive but he is still somehow my father.

"Its none of your fucking business!" He slurs. I slightly jump back, there go all my worries. "Go to the pharmacy and get me some pain killers."

"I dont think they are ope-"

"I don't care if they are open or not, break in, do something, be useful for once!" He shouts.

For once? I am the only person actually trying to keep this family intact and he just acts like it's nothing.

I grab my coat as it is still 6 in the fucking morning and take the money he gave me for the pain killers and rush out not wanting to see him anymore.

I am about to walk to my car before I remember I left my car keys inside, great!

"What are you doing up so early?" A voice suddenly speaks, giving me like a mini heart attack.

I turn around just to see Aaron on the front porch smoking.

"Holy shit Aaron, you really gotta stop almost sending me to death by randomly appearing out of nowhere. I could have sworn you werent here like two seconds ago." I comment.

He chuckles before speaking, "Glad to know you're scared of me." He winks.

"Yeah right. Well I have to get going now, it's a long walk to the pharmacy and I wanna get back soon to get a few minutes of sleep before work."

"Why are you walking? Don't you have a car."

"Well you see I kinda forgot the keys inside and I don't wanna go get them so.." I drag.

"I could give you a lift if you want, I would hate for you to get kidnapped." He teases as he throws the cigarette on the floor and crushes it with his shoe.

God damn.

"You are never going to stop bugging me about that are you?" I chuckle.

"Nope." He smiles and God damn would I be lying if I said I didn't find it attractive.

"I heard some things breaking, everything alright in there?" He says gesturing to my house.

My body tenses up but I try not to show it, "Yeah, you know just me being clumsy as usual."

He nods unsurely but I think he bought it. "Alright then Lee, let's go shall we?"

"Lee? Who is Lee?" I question as we start moving to the car.

"Lee is my nickname for you." He smirks as he gets in the car.

"Lee is a boys name, and as you can see I very much do not have a penis." I smile sarcastically.

"Proof or it's not true." He smirks.

"In your wildest dreams Roni boy." I wink.

"Do not call me that."

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