Chapter 7

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Ashley's Pov

It's currently Tuesday night, the whole day has just been me laying in bed trying to get some sleep.

Which is really hard by the way especially with a sore body.

My body feels sore to the point where I haven't been able to go to the bathroom the whole day.

The whole day no one between my mother and father even thought of checking on me.

I've gotten several texts from Kylee, Aaron and Tyler all asking if I'm okay.

Atleast they care.

I haven't really been able to answer any of them since I can't even fucking move neither do I have the energy to.

I think it's time to move now though cause I really need to pee.

My whole stomach is paining from holding in the pee.

I slowly sit up and put my feet on the floor. I try standing up but fail miserably and fall back on the bed almost immediately.

I need to be stronger.

I try again and I'm finally on my feet.

I walk slowly but steadily to my bathroom.

Oh how greatful I am for having a bathroom in my room.

I finish doing my business and walk back to my bed and grab my phone to check my messages.

I get in a comfortable position before doing so as to not get more injured than I already am.

The first chat I open is Tyler's, obviously.

Ty : Hey.
Ty : I'm sorry again
Ty : are you okay?
Ty : Aaron said you were sick so I just thought of checking up on you.
Ty : let me know if you need anything.

I think of whether I should answer or no and decide against doing so.

Ill talk to him when I want to not when he wants.

Next I open Kylees message and she send a total of 54 messages.


For the first twenty messages she just asked where I was, why I didn't go to school, how I could betray her by leaving her and how she would kill me when I return to school.

I love her but she is abit phsyco.

The rest of her messages are her spilling the gossip on what happened while I was gone.

Apparently Melissa got into a huge fight resulting to a broken nose.

She also said she was so close to getting expelled but just got suspended for a few days instead. Because of the fight they barely did any lessons and instead everyone skipped them to go hang out at the cafe I work at.

Shit! I completely forgot to text Xavier I wasn't gonna make it.

I quickly text him and explain everything that happened.

Why do I always have to miss shit when it's actually fun?

I text Kylee back and open the next chat which is Aaron's.

He didn't text me much and honestly I didn't expect him to. He just asked whether I was going to school tomorrow or not.

I don't have energy to go tomorrow so I text him back and say no.

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