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"So die right now"the cold voice of Claude rang clearly through my mind over the sound of the barrier breaking and cracking

'This fault'I silently thought as tears began to well up my eyes

'Daddy got hurt trying to save me...and this is retribution for it' I clutched the rose in my hand as I heard the barrier finally breaking open as Claude hands reached for me

'But I don't want daddy to kill another one of his family because when he does remember what will he do ' then that thought struck me

I moved my hand to my chest and right before Claude could grab my throat. I struck myself in the chest causing my heart to slow and blood coming from my mouth. I had used magic to stop my heartbeat.

Claude eyes widened when he saw what I did and immediately stopped fighting me as I fell to the ground and on reflex he caught me

"What did you do?"he said as I felt his arms trembling

"It's weird isn't it daddy? even though you don't remember me, it's almost like your heart remembers me Huh?"I said quietly with a smile as blood trickled down my mouth

"Why? Why did you do that?" He questioned me as if not believing I had just killed myself

"I didn't want you to kill so when you do remember you don't get sad"I choked out my answer as I felt my vision go blurry but dispite that Claude face remained clear

"This is goodbye daddy..."tears rolled down my face as my vision began to fade into darkness

"Athanasia!!"he yelled and oddly enough I felt a warm drop of liquid fall on my face ... he was crying...



"...Thank the made child"

I woke to the sound of a panting feminine voice she had long brown locks a delicate face but what caught my attention was her pale eyes almost seeming white.

"Sister!" The voice of a young women cried out

I was suddenly picked up by another women she looked the other girl except a but older but unlike her sister she had normal brown eyes but she still looked pretty.

"It's alright my sister! your child made it, now you can relax" the older tried to comfort the younger one while holding me gently in her arms

"You know big sister... I've always wanted a daughter it didn't matter to me whose child it is but now I have her"the woman on the bed gently smiled as she held out her hand towards to hold my small baby hand

'Aww this women she really cares about her kid but where the father?'i mentally thought as something didn't right with me. Although this moment was sweet there was a certain tension that I couldn't figure out.

"But Ningal what about her father... the king of Uruk what if he finds out about her?"the older women addressed the younger by her name which seemed to be Ningal

'Did she just say... my father is the king?! And he doesn't know about me!?'i internally freaked out the resemblance to my past life was crazy

"He can never know about her...because he will kill her... just like all the children he has killed that have birthed by the women he has slept with"

my blood ran cold at these words

'Kill me? I was just killed by my father Claude and now another father is going to kill me!?'i began to wail loudly as Ningal older sister tried to comfort me

Who Made Me the King of Heroes Daughter?! [wmmap x fate]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें