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Shand grinned staring at Hitomu's current condition.

The aura of a natural born killer radiating from that small body was exciting him. It was affecting his own physiological state, numbing the pain his injured body was undergoing.
He stabilized his wounded body, relaxing his senses, stretching his muscles to strengthen the core of his power.

Hitomu fastened his footsteps.
He took a high leap, raising his leg in mid air he slashed it down on Shand's forearm. The other person clenched his hand into a tight fist, channeling all the pressure into his knuckles he punched back the kick crashing down at him. The clash resulting from their confrontation distorted the ground around them. Hitomu twisted his leg one more time before kicking the tip of his feet into the little gap between the finger knuckles.
Crack. The sound of breaking bones was heard but Shand did not paid heed to it. His eyes were fixated on Hitomu's ruthless eyes. With an eerie smile on his face he proceeded to channel his royal halo into his enitre body. With his other hand he sent an explosive punch to kick away his opponent.
Hitomu was thrown aback. He killed the momentum in an instant before rushing forward once more. The ground where his steps fell shattered under his overwhelming pressure.


The two of them wrestled with their hands, their fingers threatening to crush each other's hands.
The gravity around them was beginning to shatter due to their forceful intervention.
Hitomu pulled Shand towards himself. He kicked him up with a jab on his abdomen followed with a forceful slam down to his wounded chest. Shand hit his head against the ground. He still had that creepy smile on his face. With his one hand he got his revenge. Digging his fingers into Hitomu's feet he grabbed his muscles from the inside, stretching them to pull out with force. Hitomu slashed down his hand at Shand's hand, twisting them up with repetitive strikes.

Satatra watched the two overwhelming people clash against each other. He could only watch as the two terrifying warriors sprinted away from each other before attacking again.



Satatra was shocked to see a deep cut opening up the land, slitting deep into the ground as if the ground had been cut open by a gigantic plough.
The two people fighting were engrossed in their own element. They were both radiating an overwhelming aura, displaying attacks that could bend logic.
He shifted his eyes to the far away scene of others fighting the dragon. His step brother, Zarad, was the leading fighter attacking the dragon backed by the other black knights.
He hissed. The exhaustion and pain from the earlier battle was beginning to kick in. He wanted to watch the end of it with his eyes seemed that his injuries needed immediate treatment. Without checking he could tell that he was currently in a very bad condition.

Aaron...right. I have to get back to him safe and sound.

He felt his eyesight getting blur. Satatra knew that he was beginning to loose his consciousness.
Before he fell unconscious he saw Zarad's lover impaling through Shand's body.
"Ah.... He is such a fine warrior."


Cough. Cough. Bood spattered from the place where a hand was thrusted into Shand's flesh. The hand inside him was merciless, as it twirled his insides, crushing his body from within.
"You...truely are as merciless as the rumours said."

"You are the one who have weakend. Moreover, Satatra did a great job of tiring you out." Hitomu mocked him.
He withdrew his hand.
Blood spattered from the hole he just made into the opponent's body.

Shand stumbled backwards. He huffed heavily.
"Fuck! Before I get down I atleast wanted to touch that lover of yours."

Hitomu's eyes flashed with a murderous glint in them. He strangled Shand by his neck.

Shand could see a familiar face on Anwyll. It was a blurry figure of a mysterious person.

"So likeable. I like your reaction!" He spat back, provoking Hitomu.

Hitomu snarled at him. "Since you wish to die so badly I will gladly fulfill your wish." He tightened his grip around the frail neck in his hand.

Shand, who was being strangled choked while letting out a loud laugh.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha........choke. choke."


With a loud roar the dragon finally went down. Its body stumbled down onto the ground, crashing onto it with a loud sound. The blood of the dragon tainted the ground with its red colour. Its mighty head howled for one last time before the body movements of the creature halted forever. The head of the dragon was bleeding out fresh blood profoundly, and the red streams of rivers kept gushing out if it's head.

"Treat your wounds." Zarad spoke before diverting his attention elsewhere. From this distance he could see the end of the fight between his lover and the enemy coming to an end. They were currently standing at the very corner of the other side of the battlefield.
His eyes widened when he saw something dreadful speeding towards the direction he was looking at.

"HITOMU!" He shouted.

He heard his lover shout at him. His eyes steered towards Zarad.

"Pay attention Anwyll. If I die then I am taking you with me."

He heard Shand say these words to him as he locked Hitomu in the same spot, straining him with his remaining royal halo, stopping him from moving. Doing so he glued Hitomu's body to his own, making his intention clear.


A masculine voice shriked with all his might, going for Hitomu's head.

From the corner of his eyes Hitomu noticed an unusual movement which surprised him.

A/N: Well we are very close to the end. I am glad I am able to keep up with my statment of finishing this story before the next month arrives. Hehe! Finally it's coming to an end. Everything that I had in my mind have been laid down one by one. Glad that I could make it.

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