Chapter Fifty - Francesco's POV

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"Good morning, Amelia." I smirk, admiring her.

With a sigh, she looks at me with a dead serious look. "What have I told you? You can't be acting like that. You're the reason my best friend is in a coma."

I think back to the past events with Arabella. Or should I say Adalina? "Oh, right." I pause, scratching the back of my neck. "But does that mean we can't be happy? Even for a second?" I question walking towards her and pinning her against the wall.

The door opens and we turn around to see Vincenzo. He glares at me and rolls his eyes. "Fottuti idiotas" He grumbled walking into Arabella's room. [Italian Translation: Fucking idiots]

"I guess he'll never forgive us, huh." She softly chuckles.

"Who cares? Do you want to go see her now?"

She nods her head walking into her room. Her lifeless unconscious body was still the same from when we last saw her. I sigh and walk closer to her. "She's not dead, guys. Understand that she's going to make it." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"She better make it or I'll send you to hell." Vincenzo threatens while gritting his teeth.

"Shush." Aurora hisses to Vincenzo but is clearly glaring at me. "If you don't make this, I'll be sure to wake you back up just to kill you again." She smiles holding back tears. "I don't want Vincezo to lose everyone to him that is family." She mumbles referring to Luca's death when we captured her.

"Prenditi il tuo tempo piccola. So che stai combattendo per la tua vita." He whispers, kissing her forehead. I know I should be feeling jealous but I honestly think he was the better man. No. I know he's the better man. [Italian Translation: Take your time baby. I know you're fighting for your life]

"Aurora, I'll be outside if you need me." Emily speaks up leaving the room.

Look at Amelia, I realize she hasn't stopped looking at Arabella ever since we entered here. I feel bad for what I did and I feel even worse that it's affecting Amelia.

"Amelia, do you want me to get you anything for breakfast?" I ask her.

She nods her head still not looking at me. I walk, finally being able to breathe. I honestly just wanted to get out of there because it's obvious I didn't belong there.

"I'm surprised you're even coming here? I didn't know you cared so much about her?" Emily's voice spoke up.

I scold myself for leaving that room. I don't like Vincenzo but if there's someone I really don't like it's Emily.

I don't even understand why she's here. She's just Aurora's assistant. I don't even know why she thinks Arabella would care about her being here. But then again would she care about me?

"What're you talking about, Emily?" I ask, already stressed out from the thought of talking to her.

"You're the reason she's here. You're her ex boyfriend. You cheated and lied to her. So why would you be here. Unless you're only here for Amelia?" She explains.

"I'm here for Amelia as well as Arabella."

"For the past two months, you've been here for Amelia, yet you're still stringing you fiance along, aren't you?"

"None of that is actually your business, Emily. Shouldn't you not be worrying about whether Aurora likes you or not? I can tell you this, you don't have a chance." I say, honestly.

She immediately blushes and faces away from me. "Don't you not have something better to do?" She mumbles walking away from me.

I roll my eyes at her. If she wanted her to like her back in the same way then she had to be less like herself. Call me a dick, but it's true.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now