Chapter Seventy Three

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I poke my mushroom whatever squeezing my face. I could feel his eyes on me and could sense him laughing at me in his head.

"You hate it?" He asks.

I nod my head and push it away. "The antipasto was nice though. I guess I'll fill up on more wine." I shrug, taking a sip of it.

The more like ass it tastes the more expensive it is.

He shoves his plate of pasta with a smile. "You can try mine." He offers.

I get my fork out and take a bite. My taste buds are immediately satisfied with his tasty pasta. I take more bits of it, forgetting it was even his.

When I come to the realization, I stop myself and shove his food back. "Thanks," I say with food in my mouth. I really didn't have the best manners.

He chuckles and moved the food back to me. "I'm not that hungry, don't worry."

I collect the plate and finish his food. He offered me the food it would be rude to decline and besides Italian food tasted really nice.

Once I was done he pressed the button for the waiter to take our food. "I hope you enjoyed your meal." He says but his smile is distributed by my full plate of mushrooms.

"Is there dessert?" I ask, and only realize how childish I sounded. "Nevermind."

"Portale il tiramisu," He orders as he walked away. [Italian Translation: Bring her the tiramisu]

"What did you tell him to do?" I ask.

"Dessert for you." He responds, sipping his wine.

Something I noticed is that he has a high tolerance for alcohol. Either that or he's really good at not showing he's drunk.

I checked the time and saw it was 15 minutes to 10. I couldn't wait any longer for the dessert. I wanted him now.

"Is something on your mind?"

I nod my head. "My fathers 'business'. Are you planning on taking over it?"

He shook his head in response. "It would be wise to merge the two together but that's just added enemies for me. I'm thinking of appointing someone else as the new head but I'll pretend to be the owner so he doesn't get hurt for a while." He explains.

As much as ruling an entire gang did sound fun, it wasn't really for me.

My dessert arrives and my mouth began to water. "It looks so good." I told the waiter.

He hands me my dessert along with a fork and knife. "Anything else I can get you two these fine evening?"

"L'assegno." he answered as he handed it to him. [Italian Translation: The cheque]

Vincenzo pays with his credit card and leaves him a tip. Knowing Vincenzo, he gave him a lot of money. "Grazie, Senor Varallo." He smiled walking off. [Italian Translation: Thank you, Mr Varallo]

I took a bite out of my Italian chocolate bread cake and I immediately moan. I notice he bit his lip when I moaned.

"Do you want some?" I ask, shoving a fork full of it to his face. He took a bite from my fork and I start smiling.

I continue to eat and talk with him until it's finally 10:30. "Let's go upstairs now."


Double update.

Sorry, not really in the mood for a conversation, right now.


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now