Epilogue/ Chapter Seventy Six

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I nervously bit my lip fearing the worst. "It'll be here," My grandmother spoke holding my 5-month-old son in her arms.

Stephano began biting his lip, copying my action despite his lack of teeth. I smile at that.

"Oma, I'm nervous. My dress isn't here yet. My makeup and hair aren't done and I'm meant to walk down that aisle in 2 hours." I complain. [German Translation: Grandma]

"It's not like Aurora to be late." My Auntie spoke up.

I narrow my eyes at the picture of Aurora on my table. "It's not, Tante." [German Translation: Auntie]

Ever since I introduced Yasmin and Aurora to each other they've had this dysfunctional relationship and now she's never where she's supposed to be. I just feel horrible for Emily.

"We're here!" Yasmin's voice announces. I turn around and see all my friends. Amelia, Aurora, Emily and Yasmin. It's a shame Carlota couldn't make it. She's no longer in the picture.

"You'll never believe it. Aurora forgot the dress at home." Amelia chuckles.

I notice all the girls in their bridesmaids dresses ready for the wedding. "Why am I the only one not ready?" I question, in annoyance.

"Because you have lazy friends." My other Auntie -Heaven-, called out.

"Aurora, I need the makeup and hair artist in here now."

"They haven't arrived? I'm firing their asses." She mumbles the last part.

"No need to get grumpy, baby." Yasmin laughs.

We all roll our eyes at Yasmin. She was trying to annoy Aurora as usual.

"I hope Vincenzo is having fun." I sigh.

Vincenzo's POV

I pace around the room in my tux. "What if I forget my vows? What if instead of I do, I say I will? What if Stephano somehow swallows the rings?" I question.

"Relax, dumbass. Everything will be fine." Francesco reassures me. I can't believe I almost had to go with him as my best man. Thank God I realized Antonio was a good friend of mine. Well more like a business associate.

He was looking as grumpy as usual. At least he wasn't annoying like Francesco.

"Where's Stephano? I want to see my son." I told one of the men doing my hair.

They rush out and go grab Stephano and bring him to me. I hold my son and kiss his cheek. "How's mommy?" I ask him.

He makes babbling baby noises. "Thank you so much." I say sarcastically.

Despite them not being related, there's so much Giovanni in him that it scares me. I don't want to see Giovanni in my son. They look quite similar but thankfully Arabella's soft features hide the rage in his face. Though Arabella told me the so-called rage I see comes from me.

I wasn't one in believing in reincarnation but I once called him Giovanni to see if he'd respond. Of course, he didn't.

I take a seat while they continue combing my hair while Stephano watches something on my phone. Some kids show which I entirely do not support. Why would you make a kids show about a cat and a mouse fighting?

They combed and trimmed until they were done. "It's time for the baby." The hair artist told me.

"He's fin-." I look down at him to see some of his clothes were missing. "Stephano, where's your left shoe and your bow tie?" I question.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now