Chapter Nine

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"Then I order you to go on your knees and suck." He smirks.

"I-, I can't do that Mr Varallo. Suspend my duties. Take out of my salary. Do anything else. I just can't do that." I beg.

"You really want to come into my office, snoop around, get caught and go punishment free?

I sigh and look into his eyes for a brief second. All I could see was lust and desire. I really don't want to end up like Claire and I don't want to be Mr Varallo's temporary slut. I rest my hands on his body and drag them down with myself.

Before I can reach the ground the door is swung open and I immediately jump back up and pull down my skirt.

"Ciao, cugino!" Someone bellows, from behind us. [Italian Translation: Hi, cousin]

I look past him to see a girl with bleached blonde hair and sunglasses hiding half of her face.

"Cos'e, Aurora?" He asks annoyed turning to face her. [Italian Translation: What is it, Aurora]

"Am I interrupting anything?" She asks with a hand on her hip. "Vincenzo, is this your new slut? What about those twins you've been screwing with?" She questions.

This is exactly why I didn't want to get too close to him. He has other girls, I'm no special.

"What's their names? Maddison and Elena?" She giggles. "I personally didn't like them and they weren't even that pretty but you," She walks towards me and grabs my face. "Sei un capolavoro." She proclaims. [Italian Translation: You are a masterpiece]

"Arabella is my new personal assistant. Arabella, this is my cousin, Aurora." He introduces.

"Nice to meet you." I say trying to get my face back.

"Oh, sorry Arabella."

"Aren't you supposed to be in Los Angeles?" He asks, pushing her out of his office and leaving me there.

From that conversation, I understood Mr Varallo's female employees aren't actually female employees. They're easy ways for him to get a hook up which explains why he won't stop giving me attention. I wonder what happens to them afterwards.

I'm going to make it my mission to be the best personal assistant Mr Varallo can have so he won't just see me for my looks. He'll actually appreciate me.

He comes back in with an annoyed look on his face.

"Apologies for my cousin." He sighs, loosening his tie.

"How did she even come in?" I ask, surprised. "I remember you locking the door." I recall.

He shrugs. "Arabella, there's something I need to ask you." He begins.

"Listen, Mr Varallo. I find you attractive and everything but I don't believe I can push myself to have a relationship with you; especially since you only hire women to have sex with them. So I want a professional relationship and a professional relationship only." I explain, attempting to sound firm.

He begins to break into fits of laughter while running a hand through his hair. "Who told you I hire women to have sex with them?" He questions still laughing as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world.

"I-." I stammer. "I just thought you did because of what your cousin said."

"She doesn't know what she's talking about most of the time, Tesoro." He smirks. [Italian Translation: Sweetheart] "And I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me. To my cousin's 'party' where she's launching her new line of outfits, next week."

"Your cousin is a fashion designer?" I ask, a bit taken aback.

He nods, waiting for my response.

"Sure, I don't mind, as long as you two don't mind."

"She asked me to invite you for her and I told her I didn't care." He answers honestly.

"Okay." I smile.


Thanks a lot for ruining that moment, Aurora. 

Sorry that this update almost took a full week. I hate long updates when it comes to you guys so I released it a few hours early.

I've also been going through a lot of stuff. Someone I knew recently passed away and it's actually affected me and my writing. I hope you guys can understand. 

So if I'm lazy with my editing, or my mini author notes, you know why. 

Thank you for helping me reach 51 votes. This means so much to me. 

I want to post Aurora's POV ASAP because I really want to show you the little aesthetic I did for her. I think so far Vincenzo's is the best. No offence to Arabella, lol.

Your comments are actually my favourite thing about the book because I love interacting with my readers so be sure to answer the question of the day if you like.

Updating Sunday 22nd of November 2020 12:00-15:00 (GMT+1)


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