Chapter Sixty Eight

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"I-, um," I stammer.

"I want to know whether you see me as an assistant your more than friends." Emily bluntly states.

Aurora looks shocked and glances at me. She sighs and sits next to her. "Vincenzo's calling you, Arabella."

I get the hint and walk upstairs to Vincenzo's room. I barge in groaning at how bored I had just become. "Sorry to barge in." I groan.

"It's your room as well." He speaks, while writing a bunch of stuff down.

I smile at his words and sit right next to him. "What're you doing?" I ask looking at the piece of paper.

"Work." He answers, not taking his eyes off the sheet of paper.

I sigh and didn't know who to call when I was feeling bored. Amelia was busy at her job, Francesco and I haven't spoken, Aurora and Emily are busy, Vincenzo is occupied. I should make new friends. Oh, wait I did. But technically they're Amelia's friends.

I scroll through my phone and call the person I'd least expect to pick up but surprisingly she did.

"Hello?" She asks on the phone.

"Hey, Casey." I greet dragging the hey.

I hear her mumble something under her breath and a bunch of water splashing around. "Hi, Arabella." She responds after 10 seconds of silence.

Scratching my head, I think of something to start a conversation with. "I'm so sorry about what Francesco did. How he was using you to get close to Vincenzo. I'm sorry, you almost died. I called off the engagement and we broke up. He never truly loved me and he was cheating on me." She explains in a quick breath.

"I really want to make it up to you Arabella, are you doing anything this Friday?" I look at Vincenzo who was paying no attention to me. I smiled when I realized he finally stopped poking his nose into all my business.

"I can't Friday's my birthday and Vincenzo's taking me out." I explain pulling a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

She sighs and I hear a few plates clatter. "It's fine, maybe another time?"

As she chuckled I got an off vibe from her like she was in so much pain. "Are you okay, Casey? Breakups can be horrible."

"Yes of course I am, I'v-."

"No," I say cutting her off. "Let's meet tomorrow morning. I want to make sure you're okay."' I smile.

"Okay then, tomorrow at 11. I'll text you the address."


So alright! Final update for today.

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Updating Saturday 6th February 2021


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