Chapter Thirty Six

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"Why are you so keen on finding this Denise woman?" Luca asks.

"I think she has something to do with my family. Maybe she's my mom." I shrug looking out the car window.

"Vincenzo wants you to be resting. He'll get mad knowing I defied his orders." He explains.

I ignore his comment. "You sure she's going to be at the coffee shop?" I ask.

"According to the information, yes."

I look at my phone and see the time. 1:32 PM. She should be here by now. "You won't tell Vincenzo, right?"

"If he finds out we went out I'll be forced to."

Disappointment causes a sigh to slip out of my mouth. The car stops in front of the coffee shop. "I'll be waiting for you, here. Be quick."

I step out of the car and walk into the small coffee shop. Two middle aged women, a family, and one old lady with someone that looks like her daughter.

The information Luca gave me told me that the lady I was looking for was old and had no children but I'm sure this was her child. There were too many similarities.

Nervously walking up to them, tons of questions ran through my mind. Would she be the key to finding out about my past? Was she my grandma? Was me my mom? Will she like me?

Never even noticing I reached the table they'd been staring at me for 7 good seconds. "Can we help you?" The younger lady asks.

I cough and pull a strand of hair behind my hair. "Sorry, I-." I notice the old lady glaring at me slightly. "Do you go by the name Denise?" I ask, boldly.

She narrows her eyes at me. "Um, yes."

"Right, I'm Arabella Rossi. Does that name have any significance to you?" I question.

Her face goes pale almost like she's seen a ghost much like her daughter beside her. "Rossi? As in, Giovanni Rossi?" The girl whispers.

"I'm sorry, who?"

"She looks just like her mother now that I think about it." The old lady interjects. "Look, I know this isn't your fault but I'm going to have to tell you to go. I want nothing to do with you or your mother." She snaps getting up. "Jocelyn, pay and meet me outside." She orders leaving the place.

I look at her and sigh in defeat. "Sorry for wasting your time," I mumble.

"Wait, look. In all honesty, I'm tired of this family feud that your mother caused. If you want to know more, I'd advise you to take my number." She warns.

I smile giving her my number. She nods and pays for the meal she had here and leaves. I leave 2 minutes later and see Luca in the car.

I get in and wipe the smile off my face to pretend nothing happened.

"Any luck?" He asks.

"Just a dead end." I lie.

"Well, have fun explaining that to Vincenzo." He says pointing to his phone where I could see they were on a call.

"Shit," I mumble.


She's getting closer to finding out the truth? 

Yeah, don't worry, there's a double update.


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now