Chapter Eight

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I look up and see a man with a mop. "What do you think you're doing?" He repeats, more sternly this time.

"I-." I gasp. "I was looking for Vincenzo." I lie.

"And he's in that folder you've been looking in?" He asks with a raised brow. Suddenly a long smile is plastered on his face. "Capo isn't going to be too happy to hear this." [Italian Translation: Boss]

I bit down on my lip nervous of the punishment that's going to await me. He picks up his phone and I'm guessing he's calling him right now.

"Let me put it on loudspeaker just for you, dear." He grins. "Mr. Varallo?"

"Che cazzo vuoi?" He spits angrily. [Italian Translation: What the fuck do you what]

"The girl is in your office snooping around. She might even be a spy sent from someone."

"Arabella?" He confirms

"Si." He nods his head. [Italian Translation: Yes]

He abruptly cuts the call leaving the man to cackle. I always knew I wasn't liked in the house. Everyone else that works for him thinks of me as one of his temporary sluts.

"I hope you're happy with yourself. Capo is going to be furious and he'll probably just shoot you in the head if you're lucky." He blabs.

"If I'm lucky?" I gulp. I have no idea why this man thinks he has so much authority just because he caught me snooping around. "Yeah well if I die I'm coming back from the dead to kill you." I say. Was that seriously the only thing that could come to my mind?

He just laughs and we wait for Mr. Varallo to arrive.

He swings open the door after 2 minutes looking like he could explode. I'm sure if this was a cartoon smoke would be coming out of his ears.

"Capo, I made sure she didn't escape." He says with a smug smile on his face.

"And where were you when she was about to enter?" He asks, still facing me.

"I-." He stammers.

A smile was now plastered on my face.

"Leave." He commands.

The man quickly rushes out leaving him and me alone in the room. He walks up to the door and locks it and comes back to face me.

"What were you doing in here?" He questions.

"Nothing." I lie, nervously.

"Then why are your files opened and scattered on my table?" He slams his fist on his desk right behind me, in anger.

"I have a right to know what you know about me." I state. It was true. I had every right to know.

"You could be a spy." He suggests.

"A spy?" I confirm, confused.

"Play dumb again and I'll fucking blow your head off." He growls taking out the gun from his black coat.

"I'm not playing dumb, Mr. Varallo, I was just curious about what you knew about me and why you needed the information so badly." I cry out in fear as tears begin to cloud my vision.

"So you aren't working with Giovanni?"

I shake my head rapidly. "I don't even know who that man is. Once again, I don't speak Italian nor am Italian."

He loosens the grip on his gun slightly. "Then tell me why you grew up in Italy."

"You think I'm supposed to remember things before I was 5?" I ask in a duh tone, letting my temper get the best of me. "I can't remember who my parents are. All I know is, I grew up in an orphanage, I told you that already."

He slowly puts the gun back inside his coat. "I could still kill you if I wanted to," He begins. "But it would be a shame to stain your pretty shirt." He smirks.

I just stare at him in fear. Why would he need a gun and say I'm a spy. Unless he's a gang member. But they call him Capo, which I'm guessing means leader or boss and the way he speaks with such authority. Maybe he's a cult leader.

He sighs realizing he made me scared. "I'm still going to have to punish you."

"For what?"

"For snooping around in my office." He replies tracing a hand down my thigh.

"What are you going to do?" I ask, lips quivering.

Slowly, he lifts up my tight black skirt so my panties become visible. He slowly strokes down there causing a moan to rip out of my mouth. I pull his hand away from me and start backing up against his desk.

"Mr. Varallo," I begin slowly. "Our relationship is supposed to be strictly professional." I protest pushing his body away from mine but that just seemed to make him want to come closer.

"I'm your boss, right?" He asks, bringing his lips closer to mine.

I nod my head only because I'm afraid a squeak may exit my mouth.

"Then I order you to go on your knees and suck." He smirks.


Damnn, Vincenzo's getting bold. 

Well, I did a double update and an update literally the next day. I really want to finish this book because I have one (connected to this one) that I've written and it's my favorite book I have ever written and honestly I think it's really good.

Ahhhahhh!!! How did I forget this!? I got 202 reads as of yesterday! I actually love you guys so much. Not to mention I have 44 votes. Thank you guys so much. I guess my next goal is 50 votes by the end of this year.

As much as I want to give another double update I really need to focus on school.

Remember to vote and comment. Your comments always mean the world to me and I always answer them. Remember, we're a family here.

Updating Thursday 19th November 15:00-16:00 (GMT+1)


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