Chapter Thirty Three

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I soak in the beautiful view and the fresh aroma. "This place is amazing." Amelia gushes as she looks around at all the beauty. I can't believe he actually agreed to take me here.

"You just got here. Calm down." Luca chuckles.

It was so crazy how she was able to be friends with literally everyone. When she called Vincenzo Vinny I expected him to kill her.

We went straight to the hotel we were meant to be staying at. "How come this place isn't fancy and rich?" Amelia asks looking around the room with a bored look.

"Just cause." Vincenzo responds with a shrug. "Arabella unpack the bags." He orders exiting the room.

Is that his way of being a bitch towards me? How dare he? But then again it is my job to do so. I sigh and watch Luca follow behind him.

"Fuck him, Arabella. Let's go out and meet some people new." She smirks.

I look at her thinking whether or not it was a good idea. My boyfriend has a secret wife and the guy I like seems to hate me now. Why not? "Why not?" I repeat the previous words in my head.

She helps me add the fake lashes which were incredibly uncomfortable and unattractive for me. My phone buzzes and I see a text from Vincenzo explaining he won't be back in the hotel until early in the morning. I roll my eyes and decide not to respond.

"Okay we're dressed, prettied up and ready to have sex." Amelia sings.

I nod my head picking up my purse. "Let's go do shit we'll regret tomorrow morning.


I take a sip of the drink the guy I'm with had just bought for me. "I can tell you haven't had alcohol in your system before." The guy chuckles.

Despite how obnoxious the guy was he was still really good looking. I smile at his comment. "No." I smile, sarcastically slurring my response. It really did burn my throat but I seriously wanted to get wasted. "You know what? Let's just skip the whole fake attitude and just go have sex."

His eyes widen at me as he licks his lips. "Sure." He grins dropping his glass. I'm 95% sure I'm drunk because I'm following a stranger to his car.

But this is what I needed. I needed to forget about Francesco. I needed to forget about Vincenzo. Hell, I needed to forget about myself for a bit.

Before he could open the door for me he smashes his lips against mine. I'm pretty sure this was to test whether or not I'd be okay for sex. The kiss was honestly really sloppy and gross. But I tried closing my eyes tighter and imagining it was Vincenzo.

His hands went down to his hips before they could make their way to my ass, squeezing it, tightly to the point it was beginning to hurt. I started whimpering like a lost dog before I felt his body move away from mine.

I open my eyes shocked to see him on the floor screaming in pain. I look in the other direction to see Vincenzo beside me with the deadliest look on his face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing with my girl?" He growls.



I also wanted to add that right now in Arabella and Vincenzo's time it's December. It should be since Vincenzo's birthday is coming up.

Merry Christmas.

Updating Sunday 27th December 2020


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now