11| First date

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Ashton's POV

"Seems like someone have been in a good mood lately, " my brother teased as he sneaked into my room without knocking.

"Holy Christ, I almost got a heart attack because of you! " I yelled as I threw a pillow at his face.

"Spill it! " he said.

"Spill what? " I replied confusely.

"Oh come on, there must be something going on with you lately. I've seen you smiling like an idiot while you stare at your phone. And also, every night when I walk past your room, I'll hear you speaking gently on the phone. So spill it! Who's the lucky girl? " my brother continued as he sat on my bed hugging the pillow I threw at him just now, anticipating excitedly for my answer.

I was contemplating whether to tell him what had happened between Ms Finn and I. After much hesitation, I decided to tell him the truth. I told him everything from the start. About the break up between Ms Finn and her ex boyfriend and how we became a fake couple now. He was giving me his fullest attention as I spoke.

"Even God is on your side bro! So when are you going to make move?" He questioned next.

"Move on what?" I replied, deliberately avoiding eye contact, knowing clearly what he was refering to.

"Oh, come on. Don't bother lying! Whenever you attempt to lie, you have this bad habit of avoiding eye contact," my brother exclaimed as he rolled his eyes.

"Well, after so many years of waiting, this is finally your chance. Don't tell me you're just going to let this chance slip by without doing anything," he said.

"No, I admit I do want to be more than friends with her. To be honest, I didn't expect us to come this far. For the past 6 years, I have never imagined her coming back into my life. But then, miracle happened. Not only did she came back, we're now fake couple. But fake couple means, once her ex boyfriend leaves her, there's no need to pretend anymore and..." before I could continue, my brother cut me off.

"Although your status is fake, but the feelings and interactions are real. The talks you had with her every night and the messages you exchanged everyday are all real. And your feelings for her, its definitely true too. I believe Ms Finn could feel it too. " my brother replied in an assurance tone.

I took some time to process what he said and nodded in agreement.

"Look, I don't want you to waste this opportunity. You should make full use of it so you don't regret in the future," my brother continued as he gave me a pat on my shoulder.

"Bro, I think I know what to do. I am going to ask her out for a date," I said with a smirk, which was mirrored by my brother.

Saying that I am grateful for my brother is an understatement. He have always been by my side all these while through my ups and down. He never fails to give me practical advices and suggestions whenever I need them. He's always able sense what's wrong with me even without me saying anything. He knows exactly what to say to help me through my difficult times. Even if I didn't adhere to what he says, he always supports my decision unconditionally.

I've decided to heed his advice and pressed the send button on my phone. Currently, I am pacing up and down in my room waiting for Ms Finn's reply. With every passing seconds, I felt my heart dropped and my hope lessened.

Finn's POV

Do you want to go on a date with me?

As I looked at the message, I was on cloud nine. I was so surprised by the sudden invitation that I didn't know how to response. I have been staring at the message for a good 15 minutes and I had pinched myself numerous times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. Ouch, it hurts.

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