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Finn POV

I stepped out of the auditorium and felt the cold wind blew at my face. Looking at my graduation certificate in my hands, tears of joys rolled down unknowingly.

"I have FINALLY graduated!" I yelled at the top of my voice. Although it earned me weird stares and glares from the people around me, it doesn't matter to me at the moment.

As I looked at my certificate titled 'Distinction in Degree for Education,' images of how I used to burn midnight oils to prove my maths theorems and theories surfaced in my mind. Sleepless nights when I struggled to complete my assignments and tutorials seemed like yesterday. But I know that it was all worthwhile.

"You made me hesitate to approach you," Hana said while trying to contain her laughter.

"Exactly! She acted as if she's a mad woman who just got released from the mental hospial!" Kynn added mischievously.

"Why are we even friends in the first place?" Sam added.

Before I could retort, they looked at each other with a cheeky grin before shouting "WE HAVE GRADUATED!!!"

"That makes us 4 lunatics!" Kynn grinned.

With that, the 4 of us laughed out in union, ignoring the glares we are getting.

4 years in university was definitely not easy, saying it's difficult is an understatement. However, I am glad to have found the 3 of them. Although we have completely different personalities and beliefs, we clicked the instant we met.

Sam: the father of the clique. She always have the business look mode turned on. The studious one who always pay attention in class, hence she is obviously the smartest one here. She always guides us in our work and would always direct our attention back to lectures when we drift away.

Hana: the mother of the clique. She is always up-to-date with anything that is going on, hence will never miss any assignments and presentations submissions. She is also a planner, so everything is always planned out smoothly by her.

Kynn: the first child of the clique. She is a martial art fighter and loves to eat. So she always shower us with food. Most importantly, she is my partner in crime. Whenever I am up to anything, she always have my back.

Then there is me, the second child of the clique. You can also say I do nothing but fool around and make them clean up the mess for me. Well, I mean since I am so well protected by them, a little fun will do no harm!


The next day

After snoozing my alarm clock for the nth time, I reluctantly opened my eyes. To my horror, I saw 10 missed calls and 20 unread Whatsapp messages on my phones. When I looked at the time, I jumped out of my bed.


I ran in the speed of lightning into the toilet and did my usual morning routines. In less than 15 minutes, I was standing in front of my mirror with a simple denim ripped jeans and a basic white cropped tee. I brushed my shoulder length hair, adjusted my fringe, put on my red lipstick, grabbed my car keys and bag and headed for the door.

Before leaving, I poured some dog food for my dog, Panda, kissed him on his forehead and left home.

'If the traffic is smooth, I should be able to reach the place by 9.50a.m.' I thought to myself as I slid into the driver seat.


30 minutes later

I parked my car and ran frantically towards the building. For that, I was glad I had chosen to wear my sneakers today. I saw my 3 friends outside the building tapping their feet impatiently and throwing death glares at me as I was approaching.

I immediately showed them the apologetic gesture as I tried to catch my breath after stopping infront of them.

"Its already 9.45a.m, didn't we agree to meet at 9a.m and have breakfast together before coming here?" Sam said with obvious annoyance in her voice.

"I thought as a teacher, punctuality is the number 1 golden rule?" Hana added.

I instinctively threw Kynn my help signal and she got it instantly.

"Scolding and lecturing can wait. Lets head up to the meeting room first. We still have 15 minutes before we are really late!" Kynn said.

With that, Hana and Sam agreed and walked towards the meeting room after throwing a death glare at me. Kynn mouthed you owe me big time to me with a wink and I showed her the OK sign before mouthing thank you to her.

Yes, we are here today to collect our deployment letter which indicates the school and the subjects we will be teaching in the near future.


In the cafe

"This is no fair! Why can't we be posted to the same school? Why must all good things always come to an end?" Kynn pouted as she stirs her latte with the spoon.

"This is not the end, but a new chapter for us. A new start." Sam replied as she took a sip of her ginger tea.

The 3 of us stared at her as if she had 3 heads, 4 noses and 5 eyes.

"Isn't it? We are now finally able to test out and try what we have learned for the past 4 years in the real field! We can now reach out to the new generation and guide them in their stages of growing. Not just academically, but also emotionally and mentally. This is the moment we have been waiting for and why we have worked so hard for the past 4 years, right?" Sam continued saying.

There were silence for a few moment.

"I agree. Sam always make so much sense!" I said as I drank my chocolate milkshake.

"Don't try to shower Sam with praises thinking that we are going to forget the fact that you made us wait for you for nearly an hour just now," Hana hissed as she threw her death glare at me.

Then, she continued. "However, I agree too. Our 4 years of friendship doesn't end here. Though this is clichè, but we are just 1 call away from each other. We can still share our problems and continue to hang out. We will continue to be each other's pillar of support!"

The 4 of us smiled unanimously.

"Also, you have not told us why you were late today," Hana directed the question at me as she drank her earl grey tea.

I felt my face reddened as I told them that it was because I stayed up late the previous night to watch Youtube videos. When I finally felt tired, it was already 3a.m. So I set 10 alarms to wake myself up at 8a.m. However, somehow I managed to snooze all of them and continue sleeping.

"Why am I not surprised?" Sam said.

"This is so Finn." Hana added.

"Thats right! And because of that she made us missed breakfast!! So she is gonna pay for this meal. I am going to order enough food to literally cover this whole table! I can eat a cow now!" Kynn said as she frantically scanned through the menu.

"Waiter! Can we have everything on this page?" She shouted.

With that, the 4 of us burst out laughing.

/to be continued/


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