Chapter 36

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Cody's POV

"Baby, are you complimenting me or insulting me?" I teased and gave her a mischievous smirk.

"Don't smile! I am angry at you." She snapped, pushing me back again. "Let go of me!"

"No, I will not." I informed, still holding her in my arms and smiled playfully. "It was Amanda. She and her husband are our co-partners in the new project. It was a meeting, and her husband is my friend. So what you have thought about Amanda and me is out of question, Feisty." I explained, giving her an arrogant grin and winked at her.

She looked at me, surprised and pursed her lips together, trying to hold her smile. "I am sorry." She mumbled shyly.

"What? I didn't hear." I teased her, giving her a cocky grin.

"I am sorry. I...." She sighed, pausing and admitted. "I got jealous. I thought you and she... Because we weren't..." She breathed deeply, her cheeks blushed.

I smiled, cupping her cheeks. "I love you, baby. I love you so much." I confessed and brushed my lips against her lips.

"I love you too, Cody." She admitted as I pulled back slightly and leaned my head against her forehead.

I smiled happily and crashed my lips against her lips, kissing her passionately.


I rubbed my eye, stretching out as I woke up the following morning. I grinned happily as I remembered my passionate night with Emily after our dinner date yesterday. I opened my eyes and looked at her side on the bed; it was empty.

Suddenly, I heard noises coming from the bathroom. I pulled the cover away and got up.

"Emily, are you okay?" I asked, concerned and knocked on the door as I approached the door; she was vomiting.

When I wanted to open the door, she opened it before me.

"Are you fine, Em?" I asked, worried and placed my hand on her arm, looking at her. Her face was pale.

"Yeah. Probably, I got poisoned. Because of the chicken which I ordered at the restaurant. I noticed it smelt strange, but I thought it was because of the sauce." She replied, ruffling her hair.

"I will call a doctor." I informed.

"No. If it gets bad, I will call." She refused, grabbing my arm when I wanted to grab my phone.

"Then I will cancel my meeting and stay with you." I stated as I cupped her cheek and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, pulling her closer by wrapping my arm around her waist.

She pulled back, giving me a slight smile and said. "I am fine. Don't worry. Get ready. You will be late."


I rubbed my neck, grimacing as I woke up. I pulled the blanket away angrily and sat up on the couch, taking off my tie angrily. Probably, Emily must have put the blanket over me.

Yesterday, I slept in the living room because Emily and I had a fight. She pissed me off with her distance again. After our passionate time together two days ago, she started acting strangely again. After that day, she didn't even let me hug her, nor stand close to her. The relationship between us got worse than before. It felt like she put several walls between us. Her mood swings annoyed me. Every time, I asked why she acted like this, she made the same excuses as before.

"Good morning." She said as she placed a cup of coffee on the center table in front of me.

"Morning. And thanks for coffee and the blanket." I mumbled and took a sip from my coffee as I stood up.

"Don't mention it." She gave me a smile.

I sighed, placing the cup on the center table and approached her. I placed my hands on her arms and looked into her eyes.

"What happened to us, Em?" I asked sadly. She averted her gaze, biting her lower lip without saying anything. I breathed deeply and cupped her chin, lifting her head up, forcing her to look at me. "Please, tell me. I am begging you, Em. Did I do anything to hurt you unconsciously? What is going on? Please, tell me. Thinking about it will make me crazy." I confessed, devastated, looking into her eyes.

"Cody..." She mumbled sadly as she took a step back and folded her arms over her chest. "You didn't do anything bad. I am just tired because of work. That is all." She added without making eye contact with me.

I gritted my teeth, annoyed and burst out laughing. "Work?! If you don't want me, just tell me! Don't lie to me, Emily! If you don't bear my presence near you anymore, just tell me! Your fake husband will not bother you again and disappear from your life as soon as our agreement ends. Don't worry!" I hissed, clenching my fist and stormed out, slamming the door behind me.

I was trying to concentrate on my paperwork in my office, but I still couldn't calm down. I frowned, annoyed and threw the pen towards the wall angrily, cursing under my breath. Suddenly, the door opened and Tristan walked in.

"Get ready. You are coming with me. We will talk. You can't escape from me today." He stated, determined, placing his hand into his pocket. "Come on! We will talk at my home. Then you will stay for dinner." He added firmly and left, calling me with a hand gesture.

I sighed as I stood up and grabbed my phone and keys. Maybe, talking to someone would make me feel better. On the other hand, I didn't want to go home; so it was a good idea.

After greeting Mila and the children, Tristan and I went to his study room.

"So, tell me. What is going on with you?" Tristan asked, concerned as he extended a glass of whiskey towards me and took a sip from his drink.

I breathed deeply, grabbing the glass and took a sip from it. Meanwhile, Tristan was sitting on the seat opposite me, waiting for me to say something patiently.

I cleared my throat and started talking. "Emily is avoiding me." He raised his eyebrow, giving me a questioning look. "I don't understand what is going on with her. She can't stand to me. Even when I stand closer to her, it bothers her. I don't even talk about hugging, kissing and...." I shrugged my shoulders, giving him a sad look. "This kind of thing never happened to me. She keeps rejecting me again and again, making different excuses: she is tired, she has a headache and so on. I haven't been rejected this much by any woman as much as she rejected me in my entire life. Actually, I have never been rejected by a woman before. And she doesn't tell me anything. I don't understand. She has been distant towards me the last few days, but two days ago she changed and let me close to her. That day, we were good. You know...what I mean." I resumed, depressed and drank all of my whiskey in one sip. "I don't know why she acts like that. Doesn't she want me anymore?"

Tristan grinned, amused as he leaned back against his seat.

"What? Why are you smiling?" I asked, annoyed. I was telling him about my problem, but he was smiling instead of comforting me.

"Congratulations, bro." He said, giving me a knowing smirk.

"Are you kidding me?! For what? For getting rejected by my own wife?" I snapped, frustrated as I gave him a death glare.

"It happened between Mila and me too..." He paused, giving me a mischievous smirk. I looked at him in curiosity. ".... When Mila was pregnant." He added and winked at me playfully.

"What?" I murmured, dumbfounded.

"Yes, Cody. Most probably, you are going to be a father." He replied, giving me a bright smile. "Mila couldn't stand near me for more than two minutes at early stages of her pregnancy. My little princess was so jealous over her daddy." He chuckled. "So it happens in pregnancies. I don't know if it happens in every pregnancy or not because in Mila's first pregnancy...." He sighed as sadness crossed his features. "...You know what happened. So Emily rejects you because she gets nauseated when you are close."

I stared at him in surprise, my mouth agape.

Has he just told me that....

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