Chapter 34

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Emily's POV

As soon as the meeting ended, I rushed towards the restroom, covering my mouth with my hand. Fortunately, I reached the cubicle in time. I closed the door behind me quickly and vomited.

After washing my hands, I placed them on my neck, breathing slowly. I still felt bad. My face was pale.

Ugh! This again!

I breathed deeply and thought about what I ate today. I couldn't get poisoned because I didn't eat anything that tasted bad this morning. On the other hand, I didn't think my nausea was related to food; if it was related to it, why I got nauseous when Cody stood close to me.

The last few weeks, strange things had been happening to me; it even affected my relationship with Cody. I didn't understand why I felt like this, but every time Cody stood beside me or kissed, touched me, I felt nauseated. Because of it, I had been avoiding him the last few weeks.

He didn't tell me, but I was sure that he was annoyed by my behavior. However, I didn't know what I could do other than trying to avoid him. I couldn't tell him that he made me nauseated; he would get offended.

As if all of these weren't enough, now my nausea was going to get worse day by day. Today, even when Cody wasn't beside me, I felt nauseous.

Suddenly, the door opened, interrupting my thoughts.

"Mrs. Sullivan, are you alright?" My assistant asked, concerned as she walked in.

"Umm... Yeah. Don't worry." I mumbled, ruffling my hair and gave her a lazy smile. "Let's go. I need to get prepared for my next meeting." I added as I checked myself in the mirror and walked towards the door.

"Do you want me to cancel the meeting? It will be better if you rest." She suggested, worried.

"No, I am fine. Don't worry." I refused, giving her a smile and went to my office.

When I arrived home, the housekeeper informed me that Cody was in the study room and didn't want to have dinner. Then she asked me if I wanted to eat now or later. I told her I didn't want anything too and went to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and took off my high heels. My feet were sore. I massaged them slightly and leaned back against the couch, closing my eyes. I felt exhausted.

"Good evening." Cody said as he walked towards me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

I caught my breath, being afraid of getting nauseated.

"Good evening." I said, giving him a warm smile as he pulled back and sat down on the couch beside me.

I covered my nose and mouth as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"How was your day?" I asked softly and pulled away slightly.

"Good." He replied, burying his head into my neck as he tightened his grip around me, pulling me closer to him and kissed my neck.

"Cody..." I mumbled, pulling away as a wave of nausea flooded over me. He frowned, annoyed. "I have a headache." I lied, giving him an apologetic look.

He gave me a mocking laugh and stood up, placing his hand into his pocket angrily.

"Find better lies for next time. It is a cliche." He said mockingly and stormed out without letting me say anything.

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