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It's like 3am. We're all sat in the bus, i think everyone is asleep actually. I'm just sat in the back trying to finish editing. It's more stress than it seems actually. I want it to be perfect for them.

I have my headphones in listening to soft music to help me calm myself down and not get too stressed out. If i'm honest i want to give up, i'm too tired.

The door opens and a tired Billie appears in front of me. Her hair all messy and her eyes puffy. "Your still awake?" she asks softly, laying her blue eyes on me. I pull my headphones out of my ears and nod at her.

"Yeah, i'm trying to get these photos done, i'm not used to editing this quickly" I tell her. She takes a seat beside me, looking at my laptop.

"Dude i love them, stop stressing yourself out your talented" Billie tells me and closes my laptop screen, stopping me from working. "Your going to be tired, we have to be up for the flight in like 4 hours". I smile at her kindness and nod.

"Yeah your right, you should get some sleep too" I say, standing up taking one last glance at her before i leave the room. I put my laptop on the end of my bunk and crawl in, letting the tiredness overwhelm me and falling asleep instantly.


"Wake up guys, it's flight time" Billies mom says clapping her hands together, coming in our bus. Billies parents are staying in the other bus to give us all privacy.

I rub my eyes and open the curtain to my bunk, looking across seeing Billie with a pillow on her head blocking in the light. I smile at her and run my hand through my hair. Sighing, I get out of the covers and kick my legs over the edge of the bunk, sitting up. Maggie smiles at me and nods with approval.

Finneas springs out of his bed and stretches his arms unexpectedly, making me jump.

"The guys have put all your stuff on the plane already, so you just need yourselves. you have had an hour" Maggie says once more before leaving.

Oh fuck i forgot to get out some clothes for today and now there all in the plane. "Ok ok i'm up i'm awake" Billie says, forcing herself out of the bed. She looks across at me and holds her hand out to pull me out of the bed. I get out of my bunk and immediately miss the warmth.

"Guys i didn't get any clothes out of my suit cases" I say to Billie and Finneas. I'm currently just wearing some biker shorts and an oversized t shirt. Billie frowns her eyebrows and exits the room quickly. I look at Finneas confused and he shrugs his shoulders.

She comes tumbling back into the room, holding a black blohsh hoodie. "There you go dude, i don't have any pants but it'll look cute with shorts anyway" Billie says. I thank her and enter the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror, I have puffy eyes and my skins all red and blotchy. Good look Lexi. I tie my hair up in a messy pony tail and change into the hoodie which instantly warms me up.

Exiting the bathroom, i grab my bag from the couch and start piling all my shit in it, making sure not to leave anything behind. I think this hoodie is Billies because it's really baggy and smells amazing.

I get my camera bag and throw it over my shoulder as well as my other bag. I hate travelling.

After a while of getting security checks and everything, we are now on the private plane. I have a whole seating area and table to myself so i can put my feet up. I get my laptop out and send the photos out to everyone before I forget.

"Ok everyone, fasten you're seatbelts and prepare for lift off, we may experience a lot of turbulence today so make sure you stay in your seats" The pilot says.

Billie looks over and takes her seat next to me, realising i'm alone. Her arm rests against mine instantly making me nervous once again. She smiles at me before fastening her seatbelt and leaning back into the chair.

The plane begins moving out towards to runway slowly, but picks up speed as soon as we're away from other planes. I look out of the window, watching other people board there planes, wondering where they are going.

I grip onto my arm rest as the plane gets to the runway and speeds up frantically.

Almost immediately the plane takes off into the air and begins twisting and turning in order to get the right direction. I look over at Billie who is looking straight in front of her. She looks chilled as fuck. I see her lips turn up into a smile slightly, making me look away quickly. I don't want her to think i'm staring.

The plane starts to shake a lot as we get into a bunch of clouds.

"Guys we are experiencing some quite harsh turbulence, so please sit back in your seats and keep your seat belt on" The pilot says through the speaker. I look around the plane, seeing Claudia panicking. I'm glad i'm not the only one.

I put my head back into my seat and close my eyes, putting my hand on the spare arm rest between me and Billie, but then taking it off immediately when i feel the warmth of billies hand under mine.

"Sorry" I say shyly.

"It's ok shorty, you good?" She asks, looking at me. I nod and sigh, but the plane shakes more making me tense up. Billie notices and puts her  warm soft hand on my thigh, just above my knee. Instantly butterflies run through my stomach and i can feel the nervousness coming.

"I just hate turbulence" I tell her. She smiles at me and grabs a blanket putting it over the both of us.

"Your not as tough as you look" Billie says jokingly and punches me in the arm playfully.

"I'm literally scared of everything" I laugh and face her. She smiles at me and i smile back.

This is going to be an interesting flight.

everything i wanted ; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now