LXXIII: Totally Calm

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A crying baby was the worst thing to wake up to, Draco firmly decided after picking Scorpius up and trudging to the kitchen, where he set the child down on the table. In a daze, he found a container of formula, with a small note from Sirius and Remus that he didn't read. With a tired frown, he unscrewed the lid, finding bottles that were practically begging to be filled.

As the formula was settling, with Scorpius still crying, Draco picked him back up, rocking him slightly, bouncing him up and down. Eventually, his cries resided to hiccups as Draco held the bottle, feeding him.

"Good morning, " Remus said brightly. "Found everything okay?"

"I wanna go back to sleep."

"Now you know how Sirius felt."

Draco grumbled as Remus Transfigured a glass into a baby seat, smiling as Draco set the full baby down, wiping his mouth with a wet napkin. Scorpius fussed until Draco stopped. Remus wagged his fingers in front of Scorpius, laughing when the baby grabbed him. "He's cute."

"I know, " Draco sighed, making himself a cup of coffee. "Thanks again. For everything."

"It's really no trouble."

Draco drank his scalding coffee, rubbing the slight stubble on his face. He was exhausted and it was only day one. When he looked at his watch, he groaned. It was only seven o'clock. Draco stared at Scorpius for a long time; when the baby giggled and put his arm out, clasping and unclasping his chunky baby hand, Draco sighed again, letting the baby hold onto two of his fingers. "I can't believe she never told me. We talked for ages."

"I'm sure she had reasons, " Remus told his sad and confused godson. "I'm sure of it."

Draco nodded and asked, "He didn't wake up Sirius, did he?"

"After what you put him through? No, " said Remus, waving his hand. "Goodness, you cried and kicked and screamed like a banshee."

"Yeah, but baby Draco woke me up." Teddy walked into the kitchen, his hand in his hair and a bleary look in his purple eyes. "What's his name again? Teddy Jr.?"

"Scorpius, " Draco replied. "I would never name my kid Edward."

Teddy grinned. "Good, because I wouldn't either."

Draco and Remus laughed, making Scorpius giggle as well. "Maybe he has a sense of humour, " Draco said through his laugh. "Isn't that right, Scorpius Hyperion?"

"The middle name ruined it, " cringed Teddy as he watched his godfather, Draco, pick Scorpius up gingerly, cradling his small head in his palm.

Remus asked Draco, "Are you going to tell Harry today?"

"No, " Draco sighed. "I need a few days to get used to it."


It had been almost four days until Draco finally sat down at his desk with Scorpius sleeping soundly in his crib, which was close to Draco's bed.

Draco wrote that he was sorry he hadn't gotten back to Harry in almost a week, but that he needed him to come over and, if he were to bring Albus, he would have Teddy put the dog outside in the backyard.

At half-past one, there was a soft knock on the front door that Teddy answered. "Hey, Harry. Hello, Albus."

"Hey, Teddy, " Harry sighed, relief flooding his body. "Draco wrote to me."

"Oh, okay, " Teddy said, stepping away from the door so that the pair could come in. "He might be taking a nap, what with everything that happened. I'll go wake him for you."

"Er, alright then." Harry stood in the mudroom awkwardly, telling Albus to take his jacket off because it was a little warm in the house.

There was a soft sound from behind and Albus said, "Draco!"

"Hey, A-A-Albus, " Draco said through a yawn. "Harry, "

"Merlin, Draco, you look awful." And he did; his blue shirt was wrinkled with time and his jeans were wrinkled. Not to mention his usually neat and lush hair was a mess, his face unshaven and there were marks from his sheets on his cheek and arm.

"I know, " groaned Draco, rubbing his face. "But why are you covered in paint?"

Harry looked down. He hadn't realized that he hadn't changed out of his old and paint-stained clothes. His grey shirt was smeared with blues, purples, greens, and reds. His dark jeans were mostly the same, but even more so. Harry turned his arm, noticing a long, orange paint streak. "Mister Scamander asked me to. He said that, if they sell, I get full credit and all of the profit. Two've already been sold, but that's only by some nutters obsessed with magical creatures."

"That's great to hear, Harry, " Draco told him, a tired smile playing on his lips.

"But I donate it, of course, " Harry said, "because I have enough for a lifetime."

Draco grinned and touched Harry's arm, telling Albus softly, "Teddy's been waiting to play with you. He has some toys set out in the den for the both of you."

Albus excitedly followed the teal-haired boy, babbling nonsense as Teddy smiled and nodded. Draco squeezed Harry's arm and looked down at him for a long time, telling himself not to break down right there.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked, an edge of panic in his voice. "Draco?"

Draco shook his head, leading Harry up the stairs quietly. When he made it to his room, Harry was surprised by how much it looked like it did when he was there four years ago, but there were no more Hogwarts textbooks, but what shocked him the most, was the small crib on the left side of Draco's bed, which was unmade.


Draco interjected, "Let me explain."

And he did, telling Harry about a woman named Astoria, who he had slept with once, who had died five nights ago. She hadn't even told him she was pregnant, but who told the Healers at St. Mungo's that Draco was the baby's father.

Draco had tears falling softly down his face as he told Harry, "I'm so sorry."

Harry pulled him into a sharp hug, holding him tightly as Draco cried softly. "Why would I be upset? Oh, Draco, I love you so much. . ."

"I didn't mean to do this, " Draco whispered against Harry's neck. "I wanted it to be. . .calmer."

"You helped me so much when we were together, " Harry told him. "Now, I get to help you out."

"Mmm, " Draco mumbled against him. When he pulled away, he asked, "Were you this scared?"

"Terrified, " Harry admitted. "I thought I was going to drop him or, or crush him."

Draco smiled softly and wiped at his eyes. "Do you want to hold him? I need to get him up anyway."

Harry had no time to answer before Draco leaned over the crib and there was the sound of a fussing baby. Draco made a soft, soothing sound as he came back over, sitting next to Harry as, even he, marvelled at the tiny blonde baby boy. "What's his name?"

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, " Draco told him with a smile. He held out the baby and set him softly in Harry's arms.

"Merlin, he looks like you, " Harry mumbled, touching the baby's soft, white-blonde hair. "Even his eyes. . ."

Draco wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulders as he looked down at Scorpius, who giggled. And it was okay, how Draco wanted to hold Harry like that forever, just them. And maybe Albus and Scorpius as well.

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