VIII: A Hot Head

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On Saturday's and Sunday's, Harry slept as late as he could. He wasn't a morning person and hated that classes were earlier in the morning than he was accustomed to.

When he was woken up by knocks on his portrait door, he was annoyed. He looked at his watch and decided, Too early. It was ten twenty-four.

When the knocking didn't stop, Harry huffed and got out of his bed, throwing on a black jumper.

He opened the door and saw Draco standing there with a flustered expression. "I'm sleeping."

"Sorry, but I wanted to k---"

Harry interrupted, stretching his arms above his head as he did so, "You told me to get sleep, so I am. Now go away."

Draco asked him, "Did I drop my badge in here? I can't find it."

Harry looked back over his shoulder, seeing the crimson and gold badge on the floor. "No, " he told Draco. "I haven't seen it. Goodnight."

"Wait, I was won---"

"Night!" Harry said, closing the door in his face. He let out a breath as he walked back over to his bed and got under the covers.

He admitted to himself that he had been rude, but there couldn't be any way that Draco Malfoy, the Golden Boy, the Chosen One, the Boy Who Lived, would have even the slightest feelings for him. No way at all.

There was another knock at the portrait door and Harry yelled, "I'm trying to sleep!" and he threw a book at the entrance before lying back down.

Harry groaned and covered his head, feeling very conflicted. Was he to tell Draco everything and risk him spilling his guts to the entire school for a laugh, or trust him completely?

Harry didn't like the sound of either, so he made his own option: suffocate the feelings he had now just like he always did. He didn't want to trust Draco as he had trusted others. After everything, he trusted no one.


Maybe that wasn't the best idea, Draco thought to himself as he ate lunch. He looked like he was sleeping.

Draco saw Harry walk into the Great Hall and he dropped his fork. Harry's eye was swelling unpleasantly and he completely ignored the blonde, not even bothering to look at him.

Draco was still trying to figure out what about Harry made him irresistible when lunch was over, and he was getting a bit frustrated.

Draco had always felt something for the other boy, but he only realized that he was, in fact, gay after he had kissed Pansy Parkinson in their fifth year, which had hated. It wasn't nearly as nice as kissing Harry.

All day, he thought and thought, but he had still come up empty at eleven pm, which was when he was supposed to patrol the corridors. Then he remembered that his Head Boy badge was nowhere to be seen.

He made his way to Harry's dorm, hardly needing to sneak around. He knocked quietly on the portrait door and he waited patiently for it to open, which it did after a few minutes.

"Hey, "

Harry said nothing, but glared at Draco. There was a bit of an awkward silence until Harry tried shutting the door, but Draco stuck his shoe in the way.

"Why are you this persistent?" Harry asked in an annoyed tone.

Draco shrugged and let himself in and Harry trusted the Head Boy badge into his hands. "There you go. Now you can leave and---"


"Yes, " Harry said, adding in a bit of a triumphant tone, "and I've figured out what you want from me, you rat bastard."

"And that is . . .?"

"You want me to tell you all of my secrets so that you can tell the entire school, " he said, slapping his hands together. "And here you are, trying to get me to---"

"You don't honestly think that, do you?"

Harry seemed to pause. He still had his finger poised in the air and his knees were bent slightly. "Yes, I do." he finally concluded. "It has to be. That's the only reason you'd be here."

Draco looked sad as he asked, "Why can't you believe that I just want to know you?"

"Because, " Harry said, "nobody wants to."

"I do, "

"Liar, " Harry snarled. Just as it always did, his temper took charge, making everything seem as if it was all terrible, though the presence of the blonde was making his heart ache and he didn't know why. "You're trying to use me just to throw me out!"

"Why are you so paranoid?" Draco asked, his face contorting out of anger.

"I'm not paranoid, Malfoy. Just . . ."

Draco sighed. "I told you to call me Draco."

Harry was silent. How could the Golden Boy ever understand anything he was going through? He couldn't and he surely didn't want to even know all of Harry's problems.

"Harry, please, " Draco pleaded softly. He took a step towards the smaller boy, who, in turn, took a step back. "Just talk to me."

Harry Potter turned around. "I can't."

Draco took another step towards him and Harry turned around, his head bowed. He asked Draco, somewhat shyly, "Could you . . .maybe put your arms around me again?"

"You're asking me to . . .hug you?"

Harry nodded, not looking at Draco, who was smiling slightly.

He wrapped his arms around Harry's waist using one of his hands to help Harry get a bit more comfortable, letting Harry use his arms to hold Draco tightly around the neck as his body shook. His lips trailed up Harry's neck, resting on his cheek lightly as Draco told him, "Talk to me sometime. I can listen."

Harry did something that resembled a nod and he let Draco hold him close, his hands tracing small circles on his back.

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