LV: The Winner's Party

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Harry was surprised, to say the least, that he had not been kicked out of the Gryffindor common room the moment he stepped foot in there.  Just like in his victory against Ravenclaw a few weeks ago, there was a table where a few people had put Butterbeer, Firewhiskey, and some pasties.

He ran a hand through his midnight hair, trying to untangle the knots that had been created by the wind while he was on his broom. Draco's arm was still draped around his shoulders and he saw that Blaise and Theo were trying to make him feel comfortable surrounded by all of these people that were really pissing him off.

Other students kept trying to conversate with him but evidently gave up and subsided to silence against Harry. He kept quiet, his nails scratching his hand absentmindedly. Draco, being driven mad by the schrr schrr noise, he held Harry's warm,  red hand in his own.

Harry pulled his hand away, however, frowning deeply as he felt Draco's eyes on him. He didn't say much as Draco told him, "I'll be right back, alright?"

Harry didn't nod but shoved a pasty into his mouth, not answering Draco. Blaise stayed and tried to help Harry about, but Harry soon proved capable when he shoved another pasty into his mouth, drowning it with Butterbeer.

"Harry!" he heard Draco say from across the room. "Come over here?" Harry did so, handing Draco a Butterbeer, receiving a "Thanks."

Harry nodded, sipping his own as Draco told him, "This is fun, isn't it?"

"Yeah, " Harry lied effortlessly. "It's loads of fun."

Draco smiled and, from across the common room, heard somebody calling his name. With a kiss on Harry's cheek, he said, "I'll be right back."

Harry turned to leave and felt Draco hit his behind softly, causing him to turn and face Draco again, only to watch him saunter over to a gaggle of girls and laugh with them. Harry felt a surge of emotion; his chest pinched and his throat felt clogged as he watched the group laugh, Draco rubbing the back of his neck and one of the girls touching his arm in a way that made Harry glare and pop off the cap of a Firewhiskey.

His hand shook as he drank quickly, going over to where Blaise and Theo were, talking with them loudly, joking and smiling widely. He looked over his shoulder, devastated to see that Draco was not indeed watching him.

Craving the validation that Harry wanted from Draco, he talked in a louder, more boisterous way. He joked, shamelessly bold and unafraid of how the Gryffindor students reacted. He poked fun at them, hoping for Draco to walk over and tell him softly to stop. He was funny, using his humorous ways to have Draco walk by and laugh with him.

Harry drank more and more, yearning for Draco's attention so fiercely as to drink and drink until it was no longer an effort to crack offensive and terrible jokes at other's expenses, wanting Draco to come over and stop him by any means necessary; just have him touch or talk to him in that way that Harry could not go without.

It hurt, the way Harry wanted Draco at that moment. He wanted Draco's arms around him, his gentle hands clutching Harry's hips. He craved for the feeling of Draco's lips against his own; his lips against his neck, chest, his thighs and his stomach.

He stopped. His entire being seemed to pause as he listened to Draco laughing without him, Draco smiling and running a hand through his blonde, blonde hair.

Harry made his way towards him. He wasn't thinking straight as he squeezed himself between the tall blonde and another Gryffindor, frowning when Draco didn't notice him at first.

Harry made himself taller by standing on his tiptoes, nuzzling into Draco's neck, practically begging him to kiss him.

"Oh, hey, Harry!" Draco said happily. His hand slid across the small of Harry's back, making the smaller boy giggle. "How much have you drank?"

"Just a pint, " Harry replied with his shy but confident smile. "Maybe two."

"Explains enough, " Draco chuckled, ruffling Harry's hair as he kissed his lips; a quick peck rather than a kiss, but Harry absorbed the attention. "Are you ready to go? It's nearly nine."

Had it really been that long?

"In a bit, " Harry nodded. "I want a few more drinks."

"Alright, " Draco laughed.

Harry left Draco's side, floating over to grab another pint. He drank it quickly, making his way over to a scarlet armchair, relaxing into it as he sighed aloud.

His limbs felt light and his eyelids heavy as he tried to keep his emerald eyes open. With his hand, he tugged at his collar, the Quidditch robes suddenly seeming too tight and hot. He went back over to Draco.

"I changed my mind, " he said, "can we go now?"

"One second, Ha---"

"Now, " Harry repeated, his voice low in Draco's ear. The blonde looked at him for a long while before his mouth curled into a grin.

"Okay, " Draco whispered. When they finally made it back to their dorm, Draco pushed Harry against the wall roughly, a soft moan leaving his mouth. Draco hissed against Harry's ear, his hands travelling to Harry's pressed but wrinkled pants, "Aren't you drunk?"

"No, just keep going."

"Hmm, " Draco hummed, tantalizingly running his hands up and down Harry's thighs, watching his discomfort grow. "Are you sure?"

"Draco, " Harry huffed as his hands found their way up Draco's shirt. "I swear, you're the worst."

Draco grinned. "That's not what you said last time."

"What can I say?" Harry shrugged. "I'm a masochist."

Draco grinned, his mouth on Harry's stomach and his hand in the boy's hair. It was euphoric; Harry's moans and Draco's grunts and their bodies hot and slick with sweat as they lie down, Draco's hands tracing Harry's spine as he laid against his chest, his breath ragged. "I love you."

Draco smiled and whispered back, "I love you too, Wonderful Harry."

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Saving Myself || A Drarry StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora