LXII: Another Bold Attempt

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Without opening his eyes, Harry could feel Draco's arm lying across his hip, his hand close to Harry's chest, yet his fingers weren't twisted around the drawstrings of his grey hoodie that Harry wore. His breath was hot on the back of Harry's neck and he didn't snore. Harry moved his head backwards slightly, coming to contact with Draco's arm, which was curled under his head.

Harry didn't want to open his eyes, but this was the first time he was awake before Draco. Had he fallen asleep later than Harry, making sure he was safely tucked in before allowing himself to close his own grey-blue eyes?

Harry reached one hand out, making the blankets rustle as he ran the very tips of his fingers across Draco's soft, warm skin. When his arm could no longer bend at an ungodly angle, Harry stopped.

Draco's hand twitched, almost making Harry jump. His hand first gripped the bedsheets before latching onto the front of his sweatshirt, the one on Harry's small body, making Harry gasp from surprise.

Draco murmured something in his sleep, but it was incoherent and Harry didn't have a chance to decipher all but one word: "Mum---!"

Draco sat up, his hands shaking and his breath equally so. He ran a hand through his platinum hair to calm himself down, his breathing now heavy. Harry sat up as well, asking softly, "What happened?"

"Just a nightmare, " Draco replied dismissively. "Just a nightmare."

Harry reached for Draco's hand, holding tightly. "I don't know how to comfort you, " he admitted.

Draco shook his head. "Just having you next to me is enough. It's enough."

Harry nodded and watched Draco take a few deep breaths before lying on his back, his hand still connected to Harry's. The dark-haired boy cuddled close to the blonde, his hand playing with the neckline of his shirt, his lips on his cheek. "How about we just stay here? We don't have classes, I'm sure nobody would worry, and we can just . . ." Harry trailed off when Draco looked at him, his grey and blue eyes shining with amusement. "What?"

"Oh, nothing, " Draco grinned slightly. "Just thinking about how you must really want me all to yourself."

Harry blushed. "Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy."

"Are we going by last names again, Potter?" Draco winked. "Don't make me have you regret it."

Harry hit him with his pillow, huffing as he laid down again, his back to the blonde. "I hate you."

"I love you too."


Cool wind blew through the opening of the Astronomy Tower, more like a breeze than a gust of wind. Harry's legs swung absent-mindedly as Draco held his hand. It was April now, a bit more than two months before they were free from obligation, able to do whatever they pleased. Whenever Harry brought up this specific subject, Draco would twist the ring Harry had given him for Christmas on its chain.

In early June, there would be the graduation ceremony, followed by the Seventh Year Ball, for all graduating students only. This year, it was a masquerade ball and it was to be complete with costumes.

Harry was going to be taking six N.E.W.Ts, while Draco was only taking four. Despite the slight tension of upcoming exams, Harry was enjoying himself with Draco.

The pair went to Hogsmeade often enough, Harry wasting his time on drinking while Draco rolled his eyes and laughed when Harry made stupid jokes, his hands hot and practically begging Draco to kiss and hold him under the secluded darkness of their dormitory. "You're intoxicating, Draco Lucius Malfoy, " Harry often whispered on those steaming and giggly nights as he kissed him.

Draco himself would wake up with a hangover, his head pounding and his mouth dry despite having not gorged himself on booze as Harry had. But Draco didn't mind after Harry would wake up and give him an accusatory look; his emerald eyes wide and narrowed at the same time, his lips in a tight, yet loose, line, his fine eyebrows furrowed on his fine face. 

"Cheerful, cheerful, " Draco would chuckle while Harry looked at him, the fearsome scowl vanishing at those words. It never failed to make the smaller boy blush.

"I need'a shower, " Harry would grunt, trudging to the bathroom as Draco listened to the faucet running. He waited patiently for Harry to step out, a towel hanging low on his hips and a scowl on his face. "Fuckin' creep."

"Says you, " Draco often laughed. " 'Draco, just a bit rougher' " the blonde would mimic as Harry blushed.

"Shut up, man, " Harry mumbled, getting dressed quickly.

On one of the nights they didn't go out, they climbed the Astronomy Tower, Draco's arms and legs working effortlessly while Harry's breath laboured despite his fitness. Even though they could easily use their brooms and fly up there, Harry enjoyed the rush he got when he looked at the ground far below.

They sat on the ledge, Harry's legs swinging while Draco leaned back on his forearms. The cool spring air always gave them doses of euphoria and adrenaline. In the far distance, past the Forbidden Forest, there was a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder soon followed.


"Yeah?" he murmured, his arm over his eyes.

"D'you think we'll make it?"

Draco looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

Harry twiddled his thumbs and blush crossed his cheeks as he clarified, "After this---Hogwarts---d'you think we'll still be . . ."

Draco straightened, grabbing Harry's hand and saying, "I love you. I know that. And it's not as if I'm just going to up and leave."

"I'm not looking for a fairy tale ending, Malfoy."

Draco shook his head. "I still love you."

And Harry nodded because he knew it was true. The Golden Boy and the Slytherin Prince. In love.

Harry laughed at the idea of his fifth-year self shocked and unbelieving of the entire thing.

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