XLVII: Betrayal and a Fight

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Slowly, Draco's eyes opened. He could feel Harry breathing and snoring softly next to him, his face peaceful. Draco turned on his side, opening his eyes and seeing that Harry was in his sweater, the sleeves well over his hands and a bit of his bare shoulder showing.

Draco reached his hand out, brushing the sun-kissed skin as images from the night before flashed through his mind. Harry's euphoric grin, Draco's breath against Harry's neck, the smaller boy's hair in his hand, rapid breath leaving his lungs.

With his outstretched hand, Draco brushed a lock of Harry's somewhat curly, unruly hair away from his forehead softly. In his sleep, Harry muttered something and swatted Draco's hand away. As he listened to Harry snore, the blonde checked his watch, letting out a breath when he saw that it was only seven in the morning on Saturday.

Harry had his Quidditch match at eleven, giving him about three and a half hours before he had to get ready. Draco lay back down, his stormy eyes still on Harry.  As Draco brought himself closer to Harry, he thought to himself, Irresistible. Utterly irresistible.

When Harry began to stir a few minutes later, Draco closed his eyes and acted as if he were asleep, merely wondering what Harry would do. He could hear Harry grunt as he sat up, painfully reminding him further of the night before.

Harry touched Draco's jaw, adoring the feeling of stubble against his smooth skin. "You awake yet?" he murmured against Draco's ear.

"No, " Draco replied, making Harry giggle as he opened his eyes again and kissed his cheek. "I haven't been up at all. All I do is sleep."

"Shut up, " Harry grinned. "You're unbearable."

Draco put his hands on either side of Harry's waist, kissing him slowly. "Round two?"

"You mean four, " Harry giggled with a sly smile. But he pushed Draco off, throwing his legs out of the bed and grabbing a t-shirt and jeans along with a pair of briefs, walking to the bathroom. "Wanna come?"

Draco grabbed his own clothes, stumbling into the bathroom close behind Harry as he heard the water being turned on and Harry took off Draco's sweater and stepping into the shower, closing the curtain behind him as Draco did the same.

Harry reached for a bottle of his shampoo, but Draco grabbed it first, saying over the sound of rushing water, "Let me, "

Harry closed his eyes, pressing his back against Draco's chest as he felt the cool sensation of the shampoo and Draco's hands in his hair. He smiled against the droplets of water and Draco's fingers running down his neck and back.

With a groan, Draco pressed Harry against the rough and icy tile of the shower walls, his hands on his hips and Harry's in the blonde's wet hair. Harry hissed something, and Draco's eyes went wide.

"You don't remember?" Harry whispered. "Second year?"

Draco did. In their second year, Harry and a Hufflepuff boy had been duelling and, after the boy called out the wrong spell and made a snake appear, Harry had tried to egg it on, making the snake chase the boy as Harry laughed. It was after that everyone had known what the Slytherin boy was capable of.

"Oh, " Draco said, "you're a Parselmouth." Harry nodded, wanting desperately for Draco to continue, but he asked, "What did you say?"

Harry's mouth went dry as he replied, "For you to keep going."


At ten o'clock, Harry waltzed into the Great Hall and was immediately swarmed by taller blokes, all with the same question on their lips: "Are you with Malfoy?"

"What?" he asked, his questions coming out as a shout. The Hall went quiet. "What the hell did you say?!"

Across the Great Hall, over by the Gryffindor table, Harry saw that Draco was surrounded by a gaggle of girls, all looking up at him expectingly, their eyes wide and Draco's cheeks pink, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Smith!" Harry shouted, "What the hell did you just say?"

Smith, a tall lad with dark hair, sneered, "Weasley's going round and telling everyone with a pair of ears that he saw you and Malfoy go into your private dorm together and hearing you two---"

"Where the hell is he?!" Harry yelled, shoving past the wall of Slytherins and striding towards Ronald Weasley, who had Hermione at his arm and was talking to Marcus Long, who was scowling unpleasantly.

"Oh, Draco, " he moaned when he saw Harry. Hermione cackled and he asked, "How was last night? Fun?"

Harry let out a breath, trying to contain his anger as he felt every student's eyes on him and the redhead whom everyone assumed was his best mate.

"What are you going around and saying, you big prick?" Harry hissed. "Tell me, dammit!"

Ron laughed, saying, "Oh, just that I saw you both going into your dormitory and how I could hear everything as you surely got a fill out of it. You sleeping around with every bloke here or just Malfoy?"

Harry, his fuse close, exploded, "Shut up! I'd bet you don't know what Hermione does when your back is turned!" To his satisfaction, Hermione's eyes went wide. "She's the one sleeping around! I could name ten blokes who've undone her pants!"

Hermione burst into tears and cried out, "He's a sleazy little liar, Ron!"

Ron sneered, turning back to Harry, "You worthless little prick." Harry, his face red, saw that Hermione was grinning behind her hands. Ron continued, "You shouldn't even be on the Quidditch team."

"I'm not kicking him off, " Long said, glancing at Harry. "He's the best Seeker we've had in years."

"I'll bet you've been sleeping around with Malfoy for years." Ron said, "Maybe that's why the Gryffindor's always win the Quidditch Cup."

"That's not---"

Ron interjected, "How about you just go back to whatever hole you crawled out of?"

Harry could feel Draco's eyes on him and, as he was turning away from Ron, he heard him say loudly, trying to mimic Harry, "Oh, Draco, just fuck me harder."

And that was when Harry snapped, hearing a good portion of the Great Hall laugh, he turned sharply, punching Ron in his mouth as hard as he could. When Ron, unprepared for the blow, dipped his head to hold his face, Harry grabbed him by the red hair on the back of his head, slamming his face into the Slytherin table and hearing a crack and the Great Hall silent, a few people gasping.

Ron pulled his arm back, hitting Harry's jaw as he heard Professor Lupin shouting at them to break it up. But Ron, either not hearing or not listening, shoved Harry roughly against the table, causing him to knock down a pitcher of milk and it shattered.

Harry lunged at Ronald, hardly paying any mind to the way Draco was pushing through the crowd, shouting to Harry, "Duck! Harry, duck!"

Harry didn't hear him, feeling another set of hands shove him from behind, making him collide with Ron, who swung his fist into Harry's cheek. It wasn't a good hit and Harry almost laughed.

When Harry saw Ron stagger a bit, he launched himself onto the taller boy, slamming his head into one the benches, hearing a resonating crack and, when he felt a pair of strong hands pull him away, Harry saw thick, red blood flowing freely from Ron's nose, which he was holding in his hands.

He pointed to Harry, shouting in an almost comical way from where he sat on the floor, "He broke my node!"

Harry spit on his face, grinning like a maniac when Remus pulled him back sharply. He could hear Remus chastising him, but he wasn't listening. Instead, he watched as people sat down, as Ron rushed to the Hospital Wing, as Draco stared at his empty plate, lost in thought.

Harry smiled as Remus let him go, as he followed Long and the rest of the Quidditch team to get ready for the match that they were sure to win.

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