XXXI: Taking the Blame

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Harry fidgeted and tried not to look at Sirius, who was silently fuming. Draco was now shaking, his hands having the worst of it.

"That was horrible, " he muttered. "Don't know how you didn't scream when Snape did this to you, "

Harry shrugged. "I'm used to it, " but that was the wrong thing to say because Draco's head whipped in his direction, so Harry stared blankly at the wall in front of him. He acted as if he hadn't responded at all.

"What do you mean, Harry?"

Harry didn't say anything, but he swallowed, trying to prevent his Adam's apple from bobbing. Draco opened his mouth to ask again when Remus returned from the kitchen with a glass of water and a slab of Honeydukes' chocolate that he always seemed to have on him.

He handed a piece to Draco and another to Harry, and he sat down next to Sirius, while they crossed their arms. Remus was doing his best to look threatening while Sirius didn't need to do that.

"So, " Sirius said, his lips purses unpleasantly. "So, "

Harry mimicked his body language, scowling fiercely. "So?"

Sirius took a deep breath, doing his best to remain under control. "Draco, why did you go out? Isn't that one of the only rules I told you to follow? Haven't you always done that?"

Draco nodded. "I mean, it was fine up until . . ."

Harry glanced at him and then looked away quickly. Remus added, "What the hell happened? How did the Cruciatus Curse get used? Why were you both out of breath?"

"It was just a sport, " Harry answered before Draco could open his mouth. "It was an accident." He could feel Draco's eyes on him and Sirius pinched the spot between his eyebrows as Harry kept a straight face. He was one helluva liar, and he could get away with almost anything. If Draco didn't---

"Don't lie to me, Harry, " Sirius growled.

"I'm not, " Harry said. "You just---"

"Harry, " Remus sighed, which he often did when Dumbledore sent Harry to him, which he often did when he lost his patience. "Please don't lie. It doesn't---"

"Whatever, " Harry scoffed. "Get on with it."

Draco blurted, "It was my fault. I wanted to go out and show Harry the city. And it was going well until . . .until Harry used the wrong curse."

Harry tried not to groan. Draco was not a good liar and it was the hesitation that gave him away, the shifting eyes, and his still hands. But Sirius played into it.

"So Harry shot you with the Cruciatus?"

"No, " Draco replied quickly.

"But you just said---"


Sirius merely shook his head, making Draco stop. "I'm disappointed in you, Draco." He sagged under the weight of the disappointment because he hated when Sirius said that. He should be rightfully so, for he was lying to cover up for Draco.

"It was my fault, " Harry said loudly. "It was my fault, " he repeated. He blinked, a bit afraid of telling the truth.

Sirius sighed and Remus smiled. "Okay, Harry. What happened?"

"I asked Draco to take me into the city to check it out, but I knew he was nervous about breaking your stupid rule. So, we went and we were . . .followed. By my father's mates."

Sirius asked, "Don't you think it's odd that the same night you two go out is the same night Draco gets hit with the Cruciatus?"

"They were after me, " said Harry.

"No, he doesn't want me to get in trouble, " Draco countered. "Punish me, "

Harry glared at him. "Don't lie to take the fall for me, Malfoy."

Draco frowned. "I'm not, "

Harry jumped up, his jaw set and his emerald eyes hard. His hands were in his midnight hair, looking as if he were going to rip it out. "Don't lie, Malfoy! I'm not an imbecile!" he shouted. He didn't care if he woke Teddy up because he was so, so hysterical at Draco. He didn't want Draco to take the fall, but in his heart of hearts, he knew that he was only trying to help.

But Harry couldn't explain why he was so mad. There could have been a number of reasons, but he just didn't know.

"Okay, Harry, " Draco said quietly, standing as well and coming towards Harry, who backed away a few feet. Harry's tense and defensive stance only deflated a tad as Draco added, "I didn't think you would mind so much."

"Well, I do. So there, " Harry said, still angry. When he didn't move, Draco held his hand out, touching Harry's shoulder and noticing the familiar flinch, everything falling into place now that he knew, or assumed, that Harry had been hurt in more than one way.

Harry pulled away pacing back and forth as Remus stood, stepping in front of him, saying quietly, "Here, follow me, "

Harry swallowed and bobbed his head, turning his back to the blonde and following his professor into the office room, his face tired and Harry asked, rather rudely, "What is it?"

"Why were you mad at Draco for trying to take the fall?"

Harry stiffened. "Because he was being stupid."

Remus sighed. "I know you aren't going to talk to me, but at least talk to him, please, "

Harry glared at him. "What do you know? You aren't me and you sure as hell not anybody I would want as a father."

If Remus was bothered by that comment, he didn't show it. Instead, he told Harry, "Just do that for me. For Professor Dumbledore."

Harry narrowed his eyes. A few years ago, he used to see Dumbledore every Saturday as he tried to coax a bit of anger and stubbornness out of Harry. He eventually stopped the visits, knowing that it was getting nowhere. Harry added that to the list of people he disappointed or had given up on him. But he was never fond of the ancient man, hating the way his blue eyes seemed to read his thoughts. Harry suspected that he was a skilled Legilimens.

"Whatever, " Harry scoffed, leaving the office and fuming silently as he practically stomped up the stairs into Draco's room, where the blonde was already waiting, already changed into his nightclothes; a white tee shirt and sweatpants.

He stood when Harry entered, casting a silencing charm on the door. He asked, "Hey, what happened down there? Did I do something wrong?"

Harry took a deep, shaky breath, saying, "It was nothing. Just an outburst."

Draco wasn't convinced. In a hurt-filled voice, he said, "I know it wasn't. And I don't understand why you can't just talk to me."

Harry was silent, searching Draco's fair face. Finally, he whispered, "You won't like the answer."

"Since when do you of all people care about that?"

Harry looked at the floor as he sat on the edge of Draco's bed. "I've been trying. So fucking hard, Draco."

"There it is, " Draco said quietly, pulling his desk chair so that he could sit in front of Harry.


"My name, " he replied. "You don't say it when you're angry."

Harry breathed out and opened his mouth again to continue.

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Saving Myself || A Drarry StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora