XXII: Formalites and Alright

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At supper that night, Harry stared at the unfamiliar foods in the bowl that was set in front of him. He frowned and blinked and picked up his spoon, stirring his soup with it.

"It's French onion soup. Just a bit thicker, " Draco explained to him. "C'mon, it's good."

Harry spooned just a little bit of it into his mouth, his emerald eyes widening at the taste. He heard Draco chuckle and he glared at him. "Yeah, keep laughing, Malfoy."

Draco stuck his tongue out and said, "You're funny."

Harry shook his head, his hands trembling slightly. He didn't want the two people with him to see, so he put his spoon down and put his hands in his lap, clasping them together. Draco put his hand over Harry's, telling him, "You know you are, " and Harry said nothing.

Sirius would ask Harry questions, and to Harry, his mouth moved on its own accord. Harry, who wasn't really hearing the questions that the handsome godfather would ask, didn't respond. He was too engaged in his thoughts, which took a very delightful turn when Draco touched his arm.

He thought about if he and Draco were alone, wondering to himself if Draco wanted to kiss him just as bad as he, Harry, wanted him to. He wanted to thread his fingers in Draco's blonde locks and he could feel where he imagined Draco's hands on his hips, squeezing him.

He mentally shook his head.

These were dangerous thoughts to think, especially since he was a Potter. There couldn't have been a more terrifying feeling than the one he had in his head and the warm, tingling sensation in his abdomen.

"Harry, " he heard Draco say. He must have been repeating his name for a while because he had a worried look in his eyes. "Harry, look at me."

"What?" Harry asked, turning his head to face the blonde. "What did I do?"

Draco looked at Harry's confused face for a while before saying, "You were just . . .out of it. I was just making sure you were alright."

"I didn't ask you to worry about me."

Draco watched as Harry stood, pushing his chair back and leaving the kitchen and Sirius was fussing over how Harry couldn't take the time to push in the chair.

After a moment, Draco told Sirius that he was going to see what Harry was doing. Sirius advised him to bring Harry the soup he hadn't finished.

Draco held the bowl in one hand and a glass of water in the other, being extra careful to not drop either dish as he walked up the stairs. When he knocked on the guest room's door, and Harry opened it slowly, one of his emerald eyes was the first part of him that Draco saw. He bent down, making Harry look away and Draco said, "I brought you your supper and some water."

Harry opened the door wider, his voice a bit scratchy when he said, "Sorry. I was just . . ."

Draco nodded. He completely understood what Harry was wanting to say. He set the bowl on the desk along with the glass of water and turned back to face Harry, who was peeking into the hallway through a minuscule crack in the door.

Harry felt Draco staring at him and shut the door quietly, taking a moment to compose himself and took a deep breath, finally turning around. "Draco?" he said quietly.

Draco, who was leaning against the white desk, looked up from his shoes and was stunned by how fragile and soft Harry's face was. He opened his arms with a shy smile and Harry came towards him, his lower lip quivering and tears burning his emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry, " Harry whispered, his voice strained and tragic.

Draco made a soft shushing sound and one arm wrapped around the dark-haired boy and the other found itself in his midnight hair, soothing both Harry and him. With his body silently shaking with silent sobs, Harry cried into the spot between Draco's shoulder and neck, but he only reached the centre of his chest, so Harry could feel Draco's heart beating softly.

"He must hate me, " Harry choked out after a few moments.

"Of course he doesn't!" Draco replied. "He just thinks you're a bit challenging, but he doesn't mind that. I don't mind that."

Harry wiped at his eyes, lip still quivering. "But I don't. I don't like being like this. I hate it."

Draco shook his head, placing his hands on Harry's shoulders. "It's okay. I don't mind---"

"But I do!" Harry exploded, all of his restrained emotions bursting through his eyes and running down his cheeks, dropping to the floor. He put his hand on his chest, his voice cracking and changes tones as he continued to speak. "I don't want to be like this! I'm a jerk, I'm not funny or anything positive!"

Draco grabbed the hysterical boys hands, his heart cracking. "You're so, so kind, Harry James Potter." Harry flinched. "And you are funny. Everything you do is funny!"

Harry looked down, his familiar scowl on his face. "You're just saying that."

Draco bent down, looking into Harry's beautiful eyes. "I get stressed out about stuff and I never get over it. Now, I don't know exactly how you feel, but if you want to, please do. I . . ." I love you, he finished in his mind. But he felt like this was all happening so fast, his heart pounding and surely exploding. ". . .I really care about you. And I love listening to you talk. And I adore the way you twist your hair when you're thinking. It hurts sometimes. That's how much I like you."

Harry was silent. What does this mean? he wanted to ask. So he did. And Draco smiled.

"It means I'll be your boyfriend---like, be in a relationship with you---if you want to."

". . .alright."

Draco kissed the boy softly, his soup long forgotten in the heat of the moment.

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