XXIX: Worries

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It was just four days shy of Christmas day and Harry woke up with an odd feeling flooding his senses. He put his left hand out, fingertips skimming Draco's thigh.

"G' mornin', " he mumbled, moving closer to the blonde.

"Good morning, "

Harry opened an eye, seeing that Draco was sitting, his back against the headboard and a book in his hands. He used one to brush Harry's messy hair away from the open, unblinking eye. It was so green and vibrant, that it was almost inhuman.

"What time izzit?" Harry asked.

"Almost nine, "

Harry groaned, "I'm going back to sleep, then." And he did just that. Draco listened to him snore softly and, after the better part of a half-hour, Draco stood, careful not to wake the sleeping dark-haired boy next to him.

He went to his desk, ripping a piece of parchment near the bottom, which sounded like a wave crashing. How could something sound so loud with a sleeping person in the room?

Using one of his best quills, Draco wrote on the ripped parchment, doing his best not to sound like an idiot: Do me a favour; look at the bridge of your nose. You have just a few freckles. And I, personally, like them a lot.

He set it on his pillow, quickly dressing in a blue jumper and dark jeans before walking out of his room, shutting the door quietly behind him and practically jumping out of his skin when he heard a small voice speak behind him.

"Good morning, "

Draco turned, seeing Teddy with his hair clashing wonderfully and messy from when he put on his grey jumper.

"Is Harry sleepin'?" the boy asked, his eyes wide.

"Yeah, " Draco answered. "He likes to sleep late."

"Can I go wake 'im up?"

Draco hesitated. "Er, he may not like it very much. He's not a morning person like me or you, "

Teddy nodded sadly, his eyes flashing dull blue. Their colour seemed to change with whatever emotion he was feeling, though they always returned to purple.

"How about you and I make some pancakes, huh?" suggested Draco, trying his best to make Teddy happy. "Harry will most likely be up after we do, "

Teddy thought for a moment, putting his index finger on his chin. "Mmm, okay."

Draco sighed, taking the small boy's hand and leading him downstairs, where Remus was reading the Daily Prophet over Sirius' shoulder, his hand on the back of his godfather's chair, a worried look on his usually peaceful face.

"Oh, good morning, Draco, " Remus said, looking up from the paper as Sirius did. "Did Teddy wake you?"

Draco shook his head. "Almost gave me a heart attack when I walked out of my room."

Teddy giggled and reminded Draco, "Pancakes."

Remus rubbed his temples, setting his cup of coffee down. "Teddy, don't demand things. Ask, "

"Pancakes, " Teddy repeated.

Sirius roared with laughter, choking out, "He didn't listen to you! He's like you were in school!"

"Sirius, don't glorify him!" Remus chastised in vain, for Sirius was still laughing. Even Snuffles was barking, seemingly laughing as well. Teddy laughed as well and his father groaned, "Why?"

The door opened and in walked Harry, his hair a mess and Draco's grey sweatshirt hanging off of his small frame. His eyes were heavily lidded and he asked, "What's going on?"

"Harry!" Teddy cheered, running up to the half-asleep Harry. Harry looked down at Teddy, confused at why he was hugging him. "You're awake!"

"Mmm, " Harry hummed.

Draco suggested, "How about you sit down, huh, Harry?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

Leaving Draco to make breakfast by himself, Teddy sat down next to Harry, who was leaning into his hands and Teddy was talking non-stop. Remus tried telling his son to take it easy and that Harry only just some up, but it was all in vain.

"Here, Harry, " Draco told him, putting a cup of coffee in front of him. Harry patted Draco's arm, beckoning for Draco to come closer. "Later, Harry."

Harry sighed and leaned back in his chair, drinking the scalding coffee hastily. "I hate you, "

"Oh well, " Draco muttered. He finished up the pancakes, setting a plate in front of Teddy, who didn't say thank you. Remus and Sirius were still reading the paper, and Draco asked, "What's so interesting?"

Sirius didn't look at him, but glanced at Harry, answering, "Just a group of Death Eaters causing havoc."

"Where?" Draco asked as he wiped the inside of a glass he had been using.

Remus replied, "Back in London."

Draco continued to wash the glass, only his hand moving, as Sirius added, "It's all the way in London. Nobody is in any danger."

Harry stood, setting his cup into the sink, asking Draco in a soft whisper, "Do I really?"

"Do you really what?"

Harry rolled his tired eyes and Draco noticed that he had bags underneath them. Draco felt sad, knowing that Harry was indeed awake most of the night while Draco slept soundly. Drawing Draco from his thoughts, Harry had clarified, "Do I really have freckles?"

Draco smirked, nodding. Harry stared at the wall, lost in his messed up mind. He wasn't sure if Draco were just being kind and lying, but Harry still kept the slip in a book in his bag, where he kept all of them. All were along the lines of Do me a favour . . . and You look wonderful.

Harry scratched his jaw, grinning stupidly. "You're so stupid, "

Draco kissed his cheek, causing him to blush and Draco winked, saying, "You know you lo . . .like me."

Harry looked at him for a long time before Teddy got his attention, making him turn and Draco cursed himself quietly. How could he be so stupid as to almost tell Harry that?

Light caught on Harry's silver earrings and caught Draco's peripheral vision, making him look wildly at Harry, who was leaving the kitchen.

When Harry and Teddy were long gone, Remus smiled and asked him, "You sure do love him, don't you?"

Draco didn't answer for a long time, but finally replied, "Yeah, yeah I do."

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