chapter 26

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I ran out of the house and caught up with Richard few houses away from mine.

''Richard, please I'm sorry. You... You can't go like this....I mean is late. Please...

He just walked on without a word. I ran to block his front and knelt down at his feet. Please Richard. You won't understand...but you're right. I'm one bitter wounded Lion looking for a prey to devour but you're too good to be a prey. You have a good heart.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt his hand on my face. He gently pulled me up and then into a hug. After what seems like eternity, he finally released me and kissed my lips.

''You're a  wonderful woman Amanda. And I think I'm in love with you.''

Immediately withdrew from his embrace and took a step backward. He didn't know what he was saying. There's nothing left to love in me....

***** *****
I was born into a happy and beautiful home as l was told. I was so beautiful that everyone wanted to hold me always.

There was this particular cousin brother from my father's side who took some liking in me when l was around 3years old and the said cousin was around 27+. If not even 30. But his liking was not pure. So he ended up sexually abusing me by fingering me often in his room. He would buy me biscuit and afterwards take me to his room. While I eat the biscuit he would busy himself with my young body and warned me afterwards never to tell anyone and i never did. This abuse with on for a period of time...

''Wow! This is emotional.''

''Yes. just beginning...''

''Oh! So sorry I can imagine the tough memory''

''No, it's okay. It's all in the past now. So, when i was 8 my mum asked me to make okra soup which l used the whole salt in the house to prepare.''



''I was the apple of the family's eye. I was told l was intelligent but the only language l knew how to speak was my dialect. Not even pigin and worst still l could not spell even my name.''

'' Hmmmmm! Yea! This part of the story is interesting because it is what we all experience and part of one's growth.''

''Yeah, thanks for the consolation.
After my first disaster in the kitchen, l seldom agreed to go.
Little by little l learnt not how to cook.

Then boom! At the age of 12 , l left home to go stay with one of the village people who lived in a mansion. They were super Rich. They taught me how to read and write.
There they forbade me from speaking our local dialect and learnt to speak English instead.

But i was a stubborn girl and a trouble shooter. I rather go where am asked not to go and of course very destructive too.

The couple l stayed with loved me dearly and took care of me as though l was their own daughter. The only thing they dislike about me was my stubbornness. They really loved me.

''Hmm! Your story is interesting and filled with honesty. So, did she eventually learn how to cook?''

''Yes but self taught''
My major work was to take care of their twin sons who were 3years old.

I was taught how to operate the DVD in case I wanted to play children's rhyme for the boys....

But one day the whole story changed....

Yeah. It was too good to have been true. Good things they say don't last. Such was the case. I ruined it all myself.

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting....l love you.💝💞💐

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