chapter 17

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I focused on my laptop from where I was making a research on a certain brain disorder where people's identity gets missed up in the mind. This happens when one has passed through a certain trauma or shock  that was never attended to medically. As time goes on, there is a conflict of identity in such a person's mind. And when he or she meets someone who resembles a person from such past, or when a similar event that led to such in the past reoccurs again, the victim gets confused and might begin to live his or her past life in the present.

I began this research a year ago when we had a case that everyone were giving up on. The young lady seem normal to everyone but kept making reference to her late husband. It was as though she forgot that her husband died five years back. She had accused her present husband of infidelity and was filing for a divorce.

During consultation, I asked her when her husband cheated on her and she said five years ago. Meanwhile she was married to this her present husband a year ago. At first I believed her, after all, some men can be something else but later I became confused when I asked a few of her family members about her married life. That was when I got to know that she got married to her first husband five years ago and she trusted him so much. She was a very successful business woman. A wealthy one at that. Upon her marriage, she made her husband who was just a youth corper as at then a co- signatory to her account. He wrecked her. After Emptying her account, he was eluding with his lover when they met their waterloo. He and his lover lost their lives in an auto crash.

She never recovered from it. It was as though her world crumbled in a minute. She said she forgave him because she wanted him to rest in peace. She really did love him. She mourned him for years and wouldn't let any other man come close to her until this her present husband. She often said she loved him because he looks and act like her first husband. Until recently when she started withdrawing from him. She would nag, quarrel and even beat him up at times. She would even insult him and call him names in public. It was becoming too embarrassing but her present husband was willing to bear because he loved her dearly but now she was demanding for a divorce on the note that he used her five years ago and dumped her and that she doesn't want to make the same mistake twice and that he must pay her very kobo he collected from her.

Her present husband recalls that it all started the day he was sick and couldn't go to work, so his co worker(a female) came to see him at home and his wife poured water on her calling her names. Ever since then she has been so aggressive and bitter.

As he spoke, the first person that came to my mind was Richard. Could this have been the same challenge he was facing then? I decided to make a research and here it was finally. It was a disorder of the brain. Oh poor Richard! he must have mistook Me for two women of which I am sure that one of them was his wife, Raymond's mother.

Then who was the second woman and why was he so bitter about her?
And Raymond for his dead son Raymond.

But why would he mistook total strangers like us for his dear family? Where was Richard now? How was he? Oh God! I hope he is fine. Richard needs help. Yes, he needed a psychiatrist's attention as soon as possible. But was I ready for this?

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