chapter 23

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I followed Ade to an empty room with a big punch bag.

''What are we doing here?''

''We are here to punch Marcus for daring to hurt you this much.''

''How do you mean?....I mean...Marcus isn't here yet.''

Ade walked over to the Punch bag and touched it. ''You're going to Punch it real hard and tell it the piece of your mind because it's name is Marcus.''

I did as he said. I punch Marcus the first time, then again and again. As I punched I cried and spoke.

''I love and trusted you with my life but you deceived me and played on my innocence. You made me appear before everyone as as a loosed girl. ''

''This punch is for all the shame you brought to my family. I punched the bag so hard.

And this is for the sudden death you brought upon my beloved father.

Take this for drugging me and for the unwanted pregnancy. For denying it and thus making me a young single parent at such a tender age. For making me hate the male folks this much including my beloved son. For robbing me of a happy life. For turning me into a bitter angry woman! For turning my human heart to stone. You robbed me of myself and now I want myself back.

Because you're not worth this pain and bitterness I feel. You're not worth it and no one is. I deserve to be happy. From henceforth I'm solely responsible for my happiness.

Damn you Marcus! You were not even worth my love in the first place. I shall live my life to the fullest now. You belong to my past and my past you must remain. You were a mistake I only ought to learn from. Damn you Marcus! Damn you!

As I spoke I punched the harder until I stopped crying and suddenly came to a stop. I cleaned my face of the sweat and tears and walked out of the room and out of the building.

As I drove back I felt so bad for the years I have wasted in mourning and nurturing my past mistakes. All the people I have hurt in the process. All male patients I ever refused to treat including Richard who has helped me to become the doctor I'm today. What about my own son I have shown so much hatred to. I never allowed any male into my world since my encounter with Marcus.

Oh God please help me to forgive myself. And touch all all those I offend to forgive me too.

**** **** ****
As I entered the house the first person I saw was Richard. He was shocked when I greeted him because for days now I have not said anything to him.

''Good...good afternoon Richard.''

''Good afternoon Ada. How are you?''

He called me Ada. So it would be wise to speak to him as Ada would have if she were to be alive. I know that she wouldn't have wished Richard to suffer this much and that she would have convinced Richard to go for the surgery.

''I'm fine Richard. But you're not. Why don't you consider the surgery Richard. I have faith that it will be successful.''

''I know but...''

''But what Richie?'' I said and he smiled happily revealing his lovely gap teeth. Although I wondered why he smiled but I was happy to see him happy even though it was short lived.

''The truth is that I'm scared.''

It was my turn to smile. ''What are you scared of?

''I don't know!'' Then he took my hand in his and added ''Ada, I'll  only if you will be by my side.''

I couldn't help but to laugh out loudly. ''Of course I'll be there but as a surgeon. I would love to operate on you myself.''

I was startled when he rushed towards me and kissed me lovingly. I just stood there as though I were a statue. Strangely I didn't feel irritated or any urge of pushing him away. I just let it be until he broke away.

''Thank you Ada. I will be more confident now that you're my surgeon. I'm ready to undergo this surgery even if you decide now.

I was happy because Ray was over joyed when Richard and I broke the news to him and so was every member of the Royal household.

In did our joy is more when we succeed in putting a smile on another's face. For once I have been able to make people really happy. For once I cared about people's feelings. For once I showed that I care  for someone...... And Richard.

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