chapter 2

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The Royal call

Coming out of the bathroom with my eyes clouded with tears. I managed to dress up.

Where on earth am I going to get this money for Junior's treatment? All I work for is Junior and mother. Just to keep them alive.

I looked at the picture of my family besides my bed. A tear rolls down my cheek. I love them with all my heart. It was a picture of mother, Junior and I in the good old days when we were inseparable. But now we are all apart. Mother used to be the pillar of the house until her health started deteriorating. She could no longer fend for us.

l had to take up this job as a palace maid to enable me afford mother's medications. Junior had to go and stay with my greedy and wicked aunt. who believes that I pluck money from trees. Within a period of one year, my account is red. Ever since Junior got there it has been from one sickness to another. Aunty Betty calls me every now and then demanding for money for Junior's treatment. Today it is mother, tomorrow Junior.


I wiped a tear from my cheek.

This was not how I ever planned to live my life. But fate has played a trick on me. I wanted to be somebody in life but he ruined it all! He took away my life! He snatched away my future and crushed it before me.

I raised my pillow in search of my diary.

"where on earth did I keep this diary?"

Looking under my bed, I could see it from afar. I bent down and picked it up dusting it. It's been long since I last wrote on it. After my ordeal, I decided not to keep friends. But I knew I needed to share somehow, so I decided to keep a diary.

I opened it and flipped through the pages, looking for a blank page. After much search I got to the blank page. I wanted to pour out my emotions -how I felt this moment on this paper in just a few sentences :

"Each time I remember, I feel miserable. I know where I could have been by now if not for him! Oh! How I hate men! If I had the chance to kill all men, I would have done it slowly."

There was a knock on the door.

"come in" l called out to the person that knocked.

The door opened and Ada the chief maid walked in. She is a tall fair skinned girl. She never really liked me. I noticed this since the day I first set my eyes on her. Don't ask me why because if you ask me I wonder who I would ask.

"Amanda, her royal highness seeks your audience in her chambers this minute."she said coldly.

"Thank you, I shall be with her shortly. "

She hissed as she banged the door behind her.

I placed my diary back in my drawer and left the room to answer my royal call.

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