chapter 14

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I became enraged immediately he was a constant reminder of my past and of Marcus. In fact his name is actually Marcus junior but I silenced the Marcus in his name and chose junior.

He was right. I hated him with every fiber of my being! Junior was my unwanted son. My bastard son. A product of Marcus' wickedness and denial. A son of a man who was nothing but a mummy's boy. I curse you Marcus, may you never grow into a man.

What was I even saying? Oh the anger I felt inside of me that moment could destroy a whole country!

Marcus was the only child of  his mother but the only son of his father. Rumor had it that his father's first wife divorced him after she bore him twin daughters who were abroad based before he married Marcus mother.

They were my parents employers. We lived in the boy's quarters of their house. It was there i was born and i grew up to know that they had a son who was studying abroad. Shortly after my fifteenth birthday, he returned to manage his family company. He was twenty years old, handsome and highly intelligent. He was very kind to me and very fond of me. But his mother never wanted him close to me. She was very protective of him. A year rolled by and we grew even closer without either of our parents knowing.

One day, he invited me to a friend's party. He even bought a dress for me to wear to the party. I was afraid. What was I going to tell my parents? I told him my fear and he told me that there was no need to tell them since the party was during the day. And it was my exam period so closing hour was earlier than usual.

I left home that day in my school uniform. Then after my exam I changed at my friend's house who was also invited. When we got there. Everyone was paired. Each with her boyfriend or girlfriend. Since I had none, I paired with Marcus. We ate, drank and danced. I was having a lot of fun. Then Marcus came to me and pecked my cheek. I shifted immediately and cleaned the spot he pecked me with my palm. His friends laughed loudly at us and one of them even said ''I told you man, you have got the wrong girl this time!'' All of the roared with laughter again and another added ''I bet you won't be having your way with this one. But if you need my help, I can help you.''

I was becoming very uncomfortable when Marcus came and sat with me.

''Hey!'' He said. ''I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable with that peck. I promise it won't happen again. I brought you here so I'll protect you from everyone else.''

''Promise?'' I asked naïvely.

''Yes, Promise. Here.'' He handed me a glass of juice because I had refused to take wine. That was it. That's all I could remember.

***** **** ****
A month later I became sick. Took drugs nothing seemed to be working. Mother told me she was afraid to say what she was thinking. So she accompanied me to the hospital were I conducted a pregnancy test. I assured mother that this was a waste of money.  But when the result came out I was dumbfounded.

"This can't be true doctor! No! I can't be pregnant! I  just can't! " I  cried.

I suddenly stopped crying and walk over to the orthopedic bed, I  laid there while the surprised doctor watched  on.

"I'm ready please come and conduct the test again because that result is not mine! "

**** ****

That was it. I was pregnant at the age of 16+. The worst part of it was that I couldn't name the father of my child.

I became suspicious of Marcus because he was terrified at the news of my pregnancy so I confronted him. He begged me to forgive him. I was furious. I couldn't remember going intimate with him. So he confessed that he had drugged the juice he gave to me. He told me not to worry since we were both young and were not ready to parent the child,  that he would take me to a place were we would flush it out. I was alarmed. How could I kill this innocent child growing inside of me. What would become of me? What if I die in the process? He warned me to count him out if I let the cat out of the bag!

I knew two 'wrongs' could never make a 'right'. I already told my parents a lie the day i went to the party and pregnancy was the end result. I couldn't afford to lie to them again. Too many things would be a stake, my life, the innocent child, my womb etc. So I crossed my mind and told my parents everything who in turn informed their boss' wife since their boss was not in the country. She was so furious. And claimed that her son was innocent and that I was a spoilt brat, a gold digger who wanted to wrap her son with another man's pregnancy .

Marcus was called upon but to speak for himself and own up to his responsibility, but shockingly, he denied ever having anything to do with me. I cried and cried pleading with him to tell everyone what he had told me earlier that day. But Marcus gave me a deaf ear and a cold look. He just walked out of the living room without looking back. That same day, his mother asked us to vacate their house. That was how we returned to our  home in the same village. I never saw Marcus again. I later heard that he travelled back to the states.

My family became the talk of the village. My parents were constantly laughed at and mocked among elders. While I was  seen as a bad influence among my peers. I became very lonely.

My father couldn't handle the situation anymore. He had heart attack shortly after which eventually led him to his early grave. Mum never recovered from the lose of her husband because they were very close.

After I gave birth to junior, mum's health started deteriorating. She could no longer work so I took up the work at the palace while junior went to live with mum's step sister. Shortly after mum kicked the bucket and I became an orphan and a single mother.

I thought my life was shattered enough already. But it was only the beginning of my misery.

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