chapter 11

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Days past and Junior was recuperating. I am so happy. Chef Daniel was still here but I was no longer feeling uncomfortable or threatened at his presence. Richard has been so nice that I just don't understand anymore.

In fact he was a loving man. Although sometimes he still appears cold and mean but I now understand that these usually sprung from an awful experience he seems to have sworn never to share.

He did ask me about myself one evening while we were both watching TV and I suddenly felt I was not ready or bold enough to face my past. Yet I knew I had to say something so I told him the peripheral part of my life's story. I spoke about my dad, mum and Junior as being my son. I didn't say anything new and thankfully he didn't push further.

At another time he asked about my education and I told him I had my Senior School Certificate only. I never got to study further. He asked if it was because of money I didn't further, and I simply replied 'maybe'. I have always wanted to be a doctor. A psychiatrist at that. I had always wanted to help those with mental disorder. I feel they are very lonely people in the world. I wanted to be their friend and journey with them. But that was nothing but a dream.

This morning however seems to be the most happiest morning for me so far after so many years. Yes. Junior would be discharged today and he would be coming here to live with me in this house. I smiled as I remembered the little argument I had with Richard over this.

'You said you would be going out later but you didn't tell me where. I could give you a lift you know.

'No. But thanks'

'Amanda, what is it? You haven't been yourself ever since I told you that junior was strong enough to be discharged and that in fact he would be discharged in a few days. You know you can tell me anything'

'As per what? I snapped at him. My boss? Ignoring the seemingly hurt on his face I continued. 'OK if you must know your Majesty, I'm going to look for an orphanage home that would be good enough to accommodate junior as soon as he's discharged. And...

'How do you see me? Some heartless man or even a maniac? Answer me! he shouted.

I froze on my seat. Never have I seen him so infuriated. Seeing how I froze on my seat he softened immediately.

'I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm just disappointed at how awfully you thought of me to not see me worthy enough to be around your son.

He said 'your son with tears in his eyes. What did I just do to this mighty man that brought him so close to shedding tears.

'Richard I'm sorry. It's not like that..I..had thought you wouldn't accommodate him here. Look, you have done so much for us already. I just didn't want to bother you further.

He stood from his seat and moved towards the door with his hands in his pocket. He had been like a father to junior ever since he was rushed to the hospital. Sometimes I feel he cares for him even more than I do. Perhaps is because he's a doctor.

'If ever you change your mind, I would be happy to share my home with junior.

With that he was gone.

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