chapter 25

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How dare you Marcus! After so many years you just suddenly feels like is okay to come back? Now listen to me and listen carefully, I want you to get up from that cushion, walk to the door and get out of my house and out of my life this instance and forever!

You coward! You drugged me, took advantage of my naivety and denied it. So....

Amanda please, let me explain....

Explain what? Leave!


I turned round to see Ray standing on the top stair.

''Darling, you need anything?''

''Mum, dad wanted to know....

''Shut up! What dad are you talking about? The same that abandoned you and I? Answer me!''  I shouted at Ray.

Ray's eyes popped out of their socket as she saw how angry I was. Without a word he ran back to his room and banged the door angrily. Almost immediately, there was a knock at the door. I walked to the kitchen and came out with a bowl of hot water.

I needed to teach Marcus a lesson he would never forget in his life. I thought to myself. So without looking to see who it was that knocked, I opened the door and poured the water on the person standing there.

''Jezzz! My face! Oh help!

''What have you done to dad Richard mum?''

''Oh my God Richard what are you doing here I asked as I ran towards him.

Amanda! What have I done to deserve this? Richard ask with his whole face red.

This is not the time to question me. Please come in. Ray please get the honey from the table to apply on your....your dad's face?

****** *****
''Your room is set''

''My room?'' Richard asked in awe.

'' come on Richard, you don't expect me to allow you to go home in this condition, and certainly not with that swollen face!''

''I still don't get you?''

Please you have to stay to recover. Your mum would have my head chopped off if she sees you like this. And Ray may consider forgiving me if you stay with us for awhile. Well I...
I sent a message to the palace.

Richard was speechless. He didn't know what to say, he just walked pass me and sat on the opposite cushion and turned to the direction of the TV.

''By the way you asked why I was here earlier, I thought I should return this.'' He held up my diary. I ran towards him like a child would upon seeing her favorite chocolate and collected it from him.

''Thank you Richard! Thanks so much''

''You know Amanda, you're one strange lady I have ever met! The things you wrote there are full of anger. I think you should get rid of that dairy.

'' so why did you return it?

''Because I needed you to do it yourself! I needed you to burn it and burn away all the the anger and hatred that goes with it. I needed you to let go.

'This is non of your business!

''Oh of course it is! I was your victim this afternoon remember? You could kill an innocent man over one man's mistake to you Amanda!''

'' and who told you I care! You think if I am given a chance to kill all men I won't? In fact I would do it slowly and painfully!''

''But you have got one growing. I hope you would kill Ray too when killing all men!''

''Shut up and get out of my house!''

''I wasn't going to stay either. You are a bitter wounded Lion looking for a prey to devour! But you know what? You might end up wounding yourself because revenge is a cup of poison the coward drinks just because he doesn't want to see his enemy anymore but forgiveness is like drug that heals both the offended and the offender. Think twice Amanda you're bigger than this. Let go an set yourself free!

Without another word, Richard opened the door and walked into the darkness of the night.


Amanda reached for her phone and looked at the caller, it was her majesty.

Thanks for reading. Sorry for the late up date.

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