chapter 10.

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It was only on plea that I agreed to leave my son's side. Prince Richard asked that I come home to freshen up since I had slept in the hospital. He offered to give me a lift to the house.

I had thought I have lost my job the morning I challenged him. Is true that he doesn't know me yet it was the same on my part. I do not know this man at all. I mean, I never knew he was a doctor. I never even knew he had a hospital. What about his son? What could have happened to him? That means he must have been married before. Who was this man sitting  beside me in this car? He has two different persons inside of him. His person at home was an anguish, bitter, and perhaps a wounded Prince Richard. While the second person is a loving, kindhearted and caring doctor Richard at his hospital. The whole thing was confusing.

My mind shifted from him to me. Yes me. I was at another point in my life when I was completely helpless. No home, no family except my son. No money. Where was I going to begin from? For now junior was still at the hospital, but where will he stay when he's discharged? I needed to start looking for a good orphanage home down now. So that I could take Junior there as soon as he's discharged. With my little salary here I could support the orphanage home.

'We are home.' Prince Richard's said.

Home. I repeated.

He looked at me and smiled knowingly. I was becoming very uncomfortable around him because I noticed that he could now read me like a book. I also observed that his attitude towards me has completely changed. I couldn't fathom why but I was grateful to whatever it was.

When we got inside we were greeted by a good aroma from the kitchen. I looked at him with a surprised look on my face and he looked at me with a smirk on his face and walked upstairs.

I felt he was up to something. Perhaps, this is how he wants to kick me out of his house by hiring a chef. Just to let me know that I'm worthless in the house. How rude of him. Just when I thought he was behaving like a human, he has decided to bring out the beast I in him.

I Marched upstairs and walked over to his room direction just as I was about to knock he opened the door with a smile on his face. Upon seeing him my anger got to its zenith and I had a lot of difficulty trying to control it.

He opened his mouth to say something but before he could say anything I shut him up by speaking first.

'How dare you Prince Richard? Can you be human for once in your lifetime?

'Excuse, me. He said looking rather angry.

Oh yes you're excuse now and forever! How could you be so mean?

Calm down and tell me what I did!

So, you're pretending as though you do not know what you did? Well I'll tell you. Your majesty I said sarcastically. I thought you had forgiven me for my outburst the other day, why then did you plan to make my presence in this house worthless?

'I still don't get you and I think....

Please, your Majesty, I need this job badly. I need to take care of my son. He's all I have got left on earth. Please.
The last plea was in a whisper as I lost my voice to an u controllable sob.

I felt someone's hands once again on my cheeks. It was him.

' oh! Amanda, look l don't mean any harm. I thought you might be too tired to prepare something for us to eat considering how stressed you have been for the past few days. I mean you running between home and hospital and then back. So I thought it would be good to have a hired a chef for a few days so that your son could have your full attention. I'm not replacing you. You completely' misunderstood me.

I was dumbfounded. First he called me by my name. Secondly, he actually meant well for me. I immediately felt sorry for my misinterpretation of his kind gesture.

'Your majesty, I'm so sorry! I..I..

Its okay Amanda. It's part of the stress. Now go and freshen up and let's eat. I'm famished.

I nodded my head in response too dazed to talk. I turned and walked down stairs to my room. As I approached the staircase he added.

'And the name is Richard. Just Richard.

I couldn't turn back or respond. I just quickened my pace.

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