My Mate Is Gay....Wait WHAT?!?!

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Guess I better introduce myself before you start reading my name is Rosa-Marie Lizzibeth Hellan, I'm 16 years old I live in England, I have medium length brown hair with blonde highlights in it, I'm just about 5'0 and I'm currently at college doing public services course. I met my best friend Nathan Henry Janes on the first day of starting college just hit it off, he's about 5'7 muscly with green eyes and short spikey blonde hair, he also happens to be gay but who cares about that certainly not me!

This is about how I met my mate...oops did I forget to mention that I'm a werewolf, now I normally don't have to tell people seeing as though everyone is a werewolf on this planet. haha. Anyway it's not your normal werewolf story oh no this story contains a lot of heartache, well I best tell you from the beginning...

My Mate Is Gay....Wait WHAT?!?!Where stories live. Discover now