Chapter Three

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Ugh stupid phone alarm, why is the world so cruel to make people get up while it is still dark outside, it's just not right!

Hmmmm... I think I am going to wear my converse with my skater skirt and a blue denim blouse...Yeah that'll look nice, make-up first though...Is it because I'm ugly that Brian doesn't want me as his mate? I mean yeah, I may not have the perfect hair colour or the perfect face, but I thought he would still want to be with me for my personality? Looks are not everything, they fade with age well only a little bit with werewolves but that is not the point! Come on smile, that's it use that smile that no one can see through so they think I'm the happy Rosa like usual when really I feel like my heart is broken in two.

"I'm fine" I whisper, yes that will do. I do not need Nate on my back asking questions as to why I am not happy like him, well maybe it is because my mate rejected me!? For my best friend. My wolf is on edge right about now through Jerkface Johnson. Haha it rhymes, well I best be getting to college wouldn't want Mr. Happy aka Nate interrogating me.

*At College*

"Rosa! Rosa!" I hear shouting from beside me


"Guess what me and Matty are going to do."

"What's that then Nate?" God, please kill me now, I really don't need to be hearing this about my mate and my best friend.

"We are going to you know. Do the deed"

My body just stops moving, wait that means that the bond between me and Brian 'Matt' will sever but not break, I will be able to feel it when they are doing it... Well, this is great! My life could not get any better now, could it? Note the sarcasm there, better respond or else he will get suspicious.

"That's great Nate, I'm happy for you but I thought you were saving yourself for your mate?" This will show if he really does think of me as a best friend if he can tell me the truth about his mate.

"Matty is my mate Rosa, we both love each other nothing could separate us from being with each other, it's meant to be."

"That's great" I put on my fake smile when looking at Nate.

"I'm so excited."

Looks like the smile worked maybe what Nick (Nate's dad) said it is true, but I can truthfully say I won't be around long enough to see Nate and Jerkface Johnson marry each other and live happily ever after while walking off into the sunset like in those stupid romance films and books, but my life is never going to end like that. Though it seems like even my wolf is only to please others and never think of herself. May as well give up thinking for myself and be told what to do all the time.

Nate decided to tell me something that is the truth about him, it hurts to know that he will not even tell me about his ex-mate, and I can't believe that he thinks Brian is his mate even though he is my mate, well my mate that rejected it me. I need to find something to distract myself from seeing those two together and hearing Nate talk about himself and jerk face playing happy families. I am that unimportant to my own best friend?

"Rosa, could you stay after class for me?" My tutor said.

"Yeah, sure sir." My tutor is friendly, you can tell him anything and he will keep it between just the two of you and try to help you with any problems you have whether it be about the course or werewolf related. I've even baby sat for him and his wife before, their kids are so adorable I can't wait to have kids with my ma- wait... because I've been rejected that means I won't be able to have any kids of my own as werewolves can only have get pregnant by their true mate, well then I guess I could always adopt?

"I'll text you later Rosa" Yeah sure Nate sure you will..


"What is it, sir?"

"Right I know most of the others know what they are doing after this course, since there is only four months till it actually finishes, but you haven't told me what you are going to do so what will you be doing Rosa?"

"Umm..I honestly haven't a clue but I'm keeping my options open."

"Well, I was thinking that you would be a powerful addition to the army, some of the recruiters have watched you while doing the physical and they all think you'd be perfect for it."

"I don't know sir; I mean my parents are here but then again it is my life and I'm sure it'll be a great experience."

"That's the spirit, well here is the number to call but I've already set up an interview you just need to call them to confirm it, it will be about what you can expect from joining the army etc."

"Thanks sir, you're the best!"

"Just be careful, okay? Wouldn't want you getting distracted and coming home with an injury or even worse."

"Yeah.. wouldn't want that now." Come on Rosa that is a lie, jerkface would love if that happened and I am sure no one would care since I am so unimportant to them.

"Have a good rest of the week."

"You too sir and thanks again."




Must be at Nick and Lindsay's, Nate will be with jerkface so I guess I'm all alone. Not so bad really can practice my training. Oh, wait I can research more on the army, yeah! That is what I will do.

Well, it looks like I will be on the frontline if I join so there's a chance, I could die but who cares about that, it seems like a great experience and everyone else has got someone so maybe it is for the best if I join. My interview is on Monday, and it is Thursday now, so not long to wait. Oh, I am excited about this, better hide the number though so that mom does not find it or anyone else... not that they would really care though it is more of an act to me.

*Beep Beep*

Oooh a text! From it's about him, always is about him since he is future Alpha everything revolves around him now, it says " Best experience ever! Wait till you get your mate Rosa! Ah I'm so glad I've found mine." Wow way to rub it in my face Nate you are the best, I'm definitely going to join the army now who needs people like this when all they care about is themselves


That's my wolf Hope, I know great name or what.

Yes Hope?

We will get through this together, me and you against everything and everyone else.

Can't wait Hope.

Even my wolf is on board, guess things are looking up for me, I cannot wait!

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