Chapter Five

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--Monday, day of the interview—

Oh god I am so nervous today's is my interview to get into the Army, the recruiters already watched me in my physical prep lessons at college, so they said I do not need to do the fitness testing since I did it in front of them in lesson. If I pass this interview, then I am in the Army. Woo! I can do this, my tutor is going to be at the interview to show my progression from the almost two years that I have been at college for but I just think he's trying to help make it easier for me to get into the Army, the interview will be taking place after college as they are also interviewing other students at the college today.

I have only got two subjects to do today then it is my interview. Nate does not even have a clue neither do my parents, I have not told them to make sure that they do not try to stop me from joining which they won't.

"Rosa!" my tutor's voice in my head since he is in my pack...forgot to mention that.

"Yes, sir?"

"You looking forward to the interview? There's only about fifteen minutes until its time."

"Yeah, I can't wait but I'm a little nervous for it."

"Wouldn't be nervous Rosa, all of the lecturers have put in a good word for you so that should persuade them a bit."

"Thanks sir."

---Interview Time—

"So, Rosa-Marie, why is it that you want to join the army then?"

"Well, I want to be able to protect my country and also my pack once I've decided to finish the army."

"You do know that you'll be on the frontline against the rogues, don't you?"

"I know that sir since we have been trying to get rid of the rogue wolves to protect our packs for years now, I just thought it would be a wonderful experience to help contribute to the army."

All three interviewers move closer together to discuss, right now would be a suitable time to have hearing as good as the adults. They have been talking for about ten minutes, I look over to my tutor who puts his thumbs up at me when he notices me looking at him, I smile back in appreciation for helping.

"Well Rosa-Marie we have decided that you would be a great member to the army, you will be starting your training after you have finished college which is in four months' time, we wish to get you trained as quickly as possible as we have seen you are a bright girl who we hope will pick up the training quickly so that you can be sent over to the frontline in America where the rogue wolves have hit them the worse, you will be based in Atlanta."

"Thank you so much, sir." I exit the room with my tutor walking behind me.

"Told you that you would get in!"

"Thanks sir, I'm really grateful you told me to do this"

"You're welcome, have you told your parents or Nate yet?"

"No sir, I won't be telling them till the day I finish college and leave for the training."

"Why is that?" I noticed that a frown appeared on his face.

"As I do not want them to stop me from going."

"Okay, I can understand that, but you have to ask permission to leave as you are a member of this pack."

"I know sir, but I asked Nate before all this, and he said that I didn't need to ask him as I'm free to do as I wish."

"Well then, congratulations on getting in."

"Thanks." I smile at my tutor before leaving college through the main doors to catch the bus home.

While on the bus I can feel the person sitting next to me staring at me, I turn to face him.

"Sorry" he smiles sheepishly

"It's okay, but why were you staring for?"

"It's just I recognised you from the other public service group, your best friends with Alpha Nate, right?"

"Oh, I remember seeing you talking to one of the lecturer's before, well I suppose you could say we are more like acquaintance's now."

"Oh, right."

"People drift apart you know, especially now that he's found his mate."

"Yeah..'Mate'." he mutters a bit too loudly.

"I'm sorry? Don't you think that he found his mate?"

"No I don't since. Well um- I'm kind of his mate but he hasn't noticed me before, so he hasn't figured out that I am his mate." NO WAY!!


"Don't tell him, I want him to be happy and if that means giving up being together then so be it."

"Aww! I'm so sorry, what's your name?" his bright blue eyes stare at me.

"It's Luca..Luca Brookes."

"Well Luca Brookes, I'm Rosa-Marie Hellan and your secret is safe with me." I smile genuinely at him

"Wow..You should smile more often your eyes like sparkle when you do."

"I do smile though."

"Nah, that's a fake one that you use to persuade people you're okay."

"Haven't really had much of a reason to be genuinely happy before but now I'm the happiest since a long time." We exchanged numbers and started texting each other as soon as we get home. I can see we are going to be great friends.

I start up my laptop to start my assignments I had set today, when I hear my mom and dad come in the house, they are talking quite loudly might I add. I do not think they know I am home.

"I mean how long is it going to take for Nate just to tell Rosa that he doesn't want to be around her anymore, I don't want my baby to be hurting so much with him dragging it on she needs to be able to move on from their friendship." My mom is the first one I can hear clearly enough, well least I know it was not all in my head.

"I don 't know honey, but I think Rosa is starting to figure it out I mean she's a smart girl, we can focus on us once Rosa is settle doing whatever it is she'll be doing after college, of course we will check on her to make sure she's doing okay."

Oh, you have got a big shock to the system after college ends dad, you won't be seeing me for a very long time. Well, I best go show my face, so it doesn't look like I've been eavesdropping into their conversation.

"Hey mom? Dad? Is that you?"

"Hey sweetheart"

"I've made a new friend while on the bus today." See I do not need Nate in my life, I have other friends.

"Oh, what's their name?" my mom asked.

"Luca Brookes."

"Oh, I know his parents, they are friendly people."

"It's a shame Nate already found his mate because I'd have thought Luca would've been perfect for him...Well I best go finish my assignments, don't worry about fixing me something to eat mom, I can do it. You and dad should go out for something to eat like you did before you had me." See do not even need you two in my life now, not that you are around much anyway.

"Oh, okay sweetie have a good night."

Now that they have gone it is time for alone time! Relaxing while eating sweets and reading before I go to sleep. 

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