CHAPTER 28: F*** You!

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After waking up, I noticed that Korinna wasn't in the bed next to me. So I start rubbing my eyes and then see her come walking out of the bathroom and is smiling at me.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning." She says.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Okay. Just still a little bit nervous." She tells me.

"I know. But I'll be right there." I assure her with a smile.

She nods her head and then grabs some clothes off the dresser that she seemed to have laid out before getting into the shower and quickly towel dries her hair and after telling me last night that even though she is willing to give me another chance and even though I have been doing really good at proving myself to her, I know I can't do what I used to and grab her and kiss her as I hold her so tight. And I don't want to rush, because I want her to be completely ready for all of that again.

So I grab some clothes real quick and then go into the bathroom and before closing the door, I stop and turn around and look at her.

When she looks at me I feel a little nervous for a moment while we just continue to stand there and then as if she read my mind she half smiles and nods her head a little as if she was letting me know I could kiss her.

So I slowly walked up to her and gave her a long sweet and passionate kiss then went in to take a shower and get ready.

When I was done, we headed down to the police station to do one of the scariest things she told me she feels she has ever done in her life so far.

"Alright well, it seems like between the evidence alone but also with both of your guys information and another one's accusations, I guess, we have more than enough to lock him up for a very long time." The detective tells us.

"Thank you Sir." I tell him as we shake his hand and she thanks him also as we get up and leave.

Once we get outside I felt like a weight had been lifted and it seemed that she felt the same way also.

We then looked at each other and headed to a cafe right down the street and had some breakfast together.

We sat and talked about everything but what we just did and I could tell a huge alright was lifted off her shoulders because she was smiling more and her voice seemed to be more upbeat and relaxed.

Afterwards, we headed back to the car and as soon as we got inside, I suddenly felt something touch the side of my head and Korinna start to scream but stopped as soon as we heard someone's voice in the back say something.

"Don't say a fucking word." Rick tells her through clenched teeth. "You, drive." He tells me.

"Rick..." I started but he shoved the gun further into my head.

"Alright. I'll drive." I tell him.

I then slowly start the car and I look out the corner of my eye at Korinna who looks terrified. Then I try and show her, with looking at the handle to open it and she catches on but isn't too sure.

"You fucking dumb ass." He says and then right as I hear him cock the gun and then point it at her head, she quickly gets out as I grab his hand and knock the gun out of his hand causing it to go off and then he wraps his arm around my neck and while trying to get his arm off of me, I can hear Korinna screaming for help and see her running off into the station.

Then the next thing I know, somehow I hear my door being opened and feel Rick pull me out into the street nearly hitting a passing car. Then walks over and we start breaking out into a brawl.

We're throwing punches at each other nonstop and pushing each other up against a couple of cars parked across the street and then when he throws a hard punch out of nowhere and I don't pay attention, I feel myself hit the hard pavement.

I struggle to try and get up and notice that a lot of bystanders are watching this but no cops are out yet and then right as soon as I feel myself being rolled onto my back and try with the little strength I have left to fight back, I feel the gun touch my forehead with him holding me up by the collar, both of us bleeding, bruised and all beaten up.

"Any last words?" He asks.

"Yeah. Fuck you!" I smile and spit blood in his face then close my eyes before I hear the gun go off.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) And in case you haven't read my other posted chapters yet, I am in the process of having my first book published and its been edited and is ready, except I am getting the book cover and everything all ready so I will let you all know when it's out and also, I will be working on finishing editing the second book I will be publishing. So ty again for your guys' patience and hope you enjoy this chapter and the others from the other stories.

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