CHAPTER 17: Mini Vacation

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I must admit that I was surprised that he remembered how much I had always wanted to stay in a cottage and in a victorian house. But I was even more impressed when he took us to one for real.

The outside was beautiful as it captured my attention right away of course and then as for the decor inside, it was magnificent. Then the bedroom? Oh forget it. I could stay in here forever. In fact, my brain was already putting everything including school behind us.

Thankfully it was a three-day weekend also because I was definitely not going to be in a hurry to return back to reality, especially now.

"This is amazing." I tell him as I turn around and wrap my arms around him to give him a kiss on the lips.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiles.

"Like it? I loooove it!" I tell him.

"Well I'm glad. Plus, we can thank my brother for helping us out with this as well because he was the one who had spotted this place for when him and his now 'ex' were gonna stay at." He mentions.

"Well remind me to thank him then when we return." I tell him.

"I will." He laughs a little bit.

After doing a look around the big cozy little room, we headed downstairs and decided to go into the town nearby to take a look around and grab some dinner.

It was a good size town like ours but we knew it was different and even I heard Arlan admit to me that this was a really nice place.

We walked up and down the street and even went inside a few little cute shops and I had expected him to maybe wait outside of them but he was sweet enough not to complain or anything like that as we walked inside of them and looked around. I even had grabbed a few things also.

Then we found a nice little dinner that made nothing but homemade comfort food type of meals and it was very delicious. We both even talked about how long it has been since the last time we had homemade cooked meals.

"You know, I just realized that I haven't ever asked how your step mom was." Arlan brings up.

"There isn't much to tell really. She is a stepmom." I say forcing a fake smile.

Thankfully, he could tell how uncomfortable I felt to where he dropped the subject and quickly changed it.

"So what are your plans after graduation?" He asks.

"I was hoping to travel around Europe. I have always wanted to and I guess my father had left some money for me when I turned eighteen that I am gonna use for that and then eventually select a school to go to." I tell him.

"You always did say you wanted to do that kind of a trip." He smiles.

"Well yeah. It's one of the best ones." I laugh a little.

"You think you'd want some company or just want to do it alone?" He asks.

"I thought I'd do alone but....maybe I could use some company." I wink and smile at him as smiles back.

"Well, I'd have to check my schedule." He teases.

"Oh of course. You're a busy guy." I played along.

"You know I would love to. I've never been to Europe neither and would love for us to go together so we could experience our first times with each other." He smiles at me.

"That would be really nice." I agreed.

We finished up with dinner and our dessert then headed back towards the cottage and honestly, since it was a several hours drive up to here, I was really tired and so was he especially because he did all of the driving and we never stopped once.

So we ended up falling asleep together in each other's arms and I honestly have to say that there was a part of me deep down that has been wanting to actually take things further.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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