CHAPTER 10: Flashbacks

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We were having such a great time and I'm really glad I had taken Korinna here because I remembered how much it would make her happy when we were little.

Then on our way out, I noticed Rick and the guys all start walking in and suddenly noticed that Korinna had stopped walking and looked terrified.

So I took her hand hoping that she would calm down as she did when we were little. Thankfully she did

I don't blame her for feeling the way she does because of Rick and everyone but she is safe with me here. But shit, at the same time, what the fuck was he doing here?!

"Heyyy." He says with a smile.

"Hey man, what's up?" I asked trying to pretend it doesn't bother me that he's killing the good vibe Korinna and I had just created and made with each other.

"Not much. You know Nina's throwing a party right?" He asks.

"Yeah. She's been trying to get a hold of me all night but I turned my phone to silent because I was busy." I tell him.

Both him and the guys look at Korinna up and down and I start to look at then letting them know they shouldn't say anything or else otherwise I would kick their ass.

"We can see that." Rick comments.

"Yeah well, we have to get going." I tell him.

Then while still holding her hand in mine, we start making our way put towards the car.

Out of all the places he could have come to it had to be there.

After getting into the car and we start taking off, I try and hide the fact that that nice little moment we had created together back there was gone now. Fucking Rick has to ruin everything.

"Hey, sorry about that back there. I swear I didn't know they were going to show up." I tell her trying to make light of everything.

"It's okay." She replies.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah." She replies with a smile.

"Alright, what sounds good then?" I ask her.

"Um, how about Chinese food?" She suggests.

"Sounds good. I haven't had that in a long time." I tell her as I make a U turn at the light ahead to start making my way towards the Chinese take out place. 

We had decided to grab the food and make our way to another place that her and I used to go to when we were little that I thought would be interesting in seeing if she remembered it or not.

The moment we pulled up, I could tell by her reaction that she did remember.

Since it was a park that we used to play at when we were kids but has now become abandoned and forgotten after they planted a bunch of trees around it, not too many people know about it or have forgotten all about it.

I remember my favorite part of this whole park was the fact that at night time, the moonlight lit up the whole park. It made me and her feel like it was our own secret spot.

"My god, I haven't been here in years. It looks worse than I remembered." I hear her say.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure myself if it was still here or not, but as I was driving down the street the other night, I thought I'd take a look and here it is." I tell her feeling myself starting to have a few flashbacks.

I shake them out of my head as we sit down on top of the concrete-made table and started eating.

While sitting there, I noticed her start to laugh at me.

"Oh my god." She laughs.

"What?" I asked.

"You still can't use chopsticks huh?" She laughs a little more.

"No. Why, am I not allowed to eat Chinese food without them?" I asked.

"I just was thinking about when we were little and how I would try to teach you and you finally gave up and stabbed the orange chicken with your chopsticks." She continues to laugh.

"Yeah, that was pretty funny. Then your dad...." I stopped myself as I saw her smile fade and she went back to eating. "I'm sorry." I apologize.

"It's okay." She says.

We share a moment of silence as we continue to eat.

'Way to go dumb ass.' I tell myself in my head.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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