CHAPTER 16: A Weekend To Remember

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I'm not sure exactly what's going on but what I do know is that I am starting to think lately that maybe this all was a really bad idea. In fact, in the end, it's all just a stupid bet that I was petty and pathetic enough to make. Actually, I should just tell Rick today that the bet is off.

So while in P.E. class, doing free time, after we chose to use the bench press as our activity, he spotted me and I spotted him and decided too that I would tell him then.

I was nervous to be honest because not so much that I was scared or anything but mostly because of how he'd react and was hoping he would understand. I mean, he's my best friend and all so it should be fine.

We walked over and he wanted to do some lifting first so he laid on the bench and began lifting then lowering the bar and continued lifting it up and down for a while.

"So, how is it dating Ms. Piggy?" He comments.

"Man, don't call her that." I tell him.

"Oh, my bad." He says.

"Look, Rick, I've been thinking about with the bet and all." I began.

"What about it?" He says through lifting.

"I think maybe we should call it off. I mean, I think that we shouldn't do it anymore. She's a great girl and I don't know." I said.

I hear the bar being lowered onto the rack that holds it before he sits up to look at me.

"You're joking, right?" He asks.

"No, I'm not." I assure him.

"You wouldn't be that stupid." He scoffs before standing up and having me sit down.

"What's so stupid about it?" I asked as I started to do some pumping myself.

"Because obviously, she isn't your type. Then to make matters worse, do you have any idea what that would do towards your reputation?!" He asks.

I can't believe how much of an asshole he is being right now. I mean, sure, he doesn't have to agree with my decision but at least he could support me.

"Whatever man. I'm gonna take her out for real and I would really appreciate you having my back on this but if not then fine, but that doesn't change me wanting to still be with her." I tell him after setting the bar down again onto the rack.

"Don't. I'm warning you." He says.

"You're warning me? What the hell is your problem with her anyways? You and Nina need to get your guys' shit together." I tell him while not believing all of this going on.

Instead of sticking around to hear him try and say another idiotic idea or anything, I turn and start heading out the gym.

For the next few days, it seemed to have gone by super fast as the weekend has just arrived and I had decided to take both Korinna and I away for the weekend at a nice little cottage styled home that was located right in the other town over.

I had remembered before how she had always wanted to go to one to stay in since we were little and a victorian house but we don't have any of those here, so this will have to do for now.

"You looking forward to this?' I asked her.

"Hellz yeah!" She replies. "Thanks again. I am beyond excitement, right now at this!" She smiles.

I think it's adorably really cute the way she got excited over something like this.

It wasn't after we arrived that we walked hand-in-hand with each other and then made our way inside the place and when walking up to the counter to check-in.

The lady was a sweet elderly lady who happened to also own this place. Once dhe checked us in, she handed me our key and then we made our way up the stairs.

The moment we opened the door and stepped inside, that's when I had heard the loudest gasp from her. That's the moment when I knew for sure I had just did the perfect thing.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) Below are the outside of the cottage and the bedroom in what it looked like.

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