CHAPTER 9: He Remembered?

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When I woke up this morning, I noticed I had a blanket over me. I started to think about last night and realized that after I passed out, Arlan must have placed this on me, which is very thoughtful. 

I was so glad that we had a three day weekend but even better that my step mom was gone. 

After taking a shower and making some breakfast for myself, I got ready for the day, well, ready as in putting on some comfortable clothes. 

Tonight there was going to be a party at Nina's house, which I knew Arlan would go to, so I didn't bother texting him to see if he wanted to come over and hang out again. Wait, besides, I don't even have his number. 

I felt my phone start to vibrate while on my lap and at first dreaded in looking at it since I was afraid it was my stepmom, but oddly enough it wasn't. In fact, it was a number I hadn't recognized but knew who it was as I read his name as the contact ID. 

"Hey." I answer. 

"Good morning Beautiful." He replied. 

'Okay Korinna, remember, don't let it go to your head.' I remind myself. 

"What's up?" I ask. 

"Got any plans for today or do you not have plans for the rest of the weekend?" He asks with a small laugh. 

"For the rest of the weekend." I replied. 

"Well, now you have plans. We're gonna have some fun this weekend. Just you and I." He tells me. 

"And if I say no?" I challenged him just to see what his reaction would be. 

"Well then, that'll mean one of two things. I could either make you go or I will have to just stay with you at your house the entire weekend and find other ways to entertain you." He says. 

Even though that wouldn't necessarily be all of a bad idea, I am interested in seeing what he's got in mind. 

"Okay then, I'm down." I tell him. 

"Great! I'll pick you up in an hour?" 

"I'll be ready." 

Once we hang up I go upstairs and get ready. This will be interesting and really fun. At least I HOPE it'll be. 

Since my hair wasn't cooperating as much as I would have liked it to, I just put in a quick braid that still looked cute. 

I decided to also wear a pair of nice jeans, a tank top, cardigan and my flats with eyeliner that flared at the ends and lip gloss. 

As soon as he pulled up in front of the house, I locked up behind me and started making my way towards the car. 

Right as we began taking off, I wondered where we were going. 

"So, where are we going?" I finally asked. 

"To a place that we haven't been to for a while that we used to love going to a ll the time when we were younger." He mentions. 

That doesn't necessarily narrow things down for me as to how there were many places that are like that. 

It wasn't until we pulled up into the parking lot that he's taking me to the bowling alley. 

We used to here whenever I felt sad. We'd play a few games of bowling, then went to the other end of the building where there were games you'd win prizes to along with laser tag. The food was standard but always good. Tight as we parked, I had a big smile already on my face. 

"I can't believe this place is still here." I smiled. 

"Yeah well, lets see if they ever even changed anything." He laughs. 

We get out and as we head inside, I take a look around and the both of us notice right away that there are a few things that have been updated but for the most part, they seemed to have kept the original look and feel. 

We first go up to the counter to grab us some rental bowling shoes then go pick out a ball (I of course choose a sparkling purple one) while he picked out a regular dark blue ball. 

We sat down at our lane and started. He let me go first. We ended up playing several games and in between, he'd get us snacks and something to drink. We were having a really good time. Just like we used to together. We even played some laser tag and then some other arcade games before calling it a night. 

Tonight though, as I noticed it as getting later, I noticed him look down on his phone and roll his eyes before finally putting it on silent and not looking at it anymore. 

"You know, if you want to, you can go to Nina's party I know she's throwing." I mention. 

"Why would I do that? I'd honestly rather be here with you." He winks at me. 

While on our way out though, I stop as does he when we see Rick and some of Arlan's other friends come walking inside and they spot us. I also noticed out the corner of my eye that he too looked surprised they were here. 

Personally, I began getting the feeling I always get when I see Rick, a sense of fear, disgust, anger and depressed. 

Not sure why, but I felt someone take hold of my hand. When I looked down and saw it was really Arlan's hand, I was surprised but yet more calm. 

He used to always do that whenever I was about to have a panic attack or was afraid of something. It was a way of him always letting me know that he was right there with me. 

I wonder if he rather or not did that because he could tell I was uncomfortable and remembered, or.......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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