CHAPTER 11: A Date?

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I was glad that Arlan took me the other night to the park. It brought back some good memories.

It has now been a couple of weeks now since Arlan and I have been hanging out and things at school seemed to have been going not as bad. I mean, Nina is still Nina and gives me dirty looks and talking shit but honestly, I really don't care since I'm getting my best friend back. It's not like him and I are fucking or dating each other.

Today during Study Hall, I needed to check out a book for one of my classes and as I started looking for it, I suddenly out of nowhere, felt someone turn me around and when I saw it was Arlan, I felt relieved.

"You scared me." I quietly tell him.

"Sorry." He says. "I wanted to ask you something though." He mentions.

"Okay." I reply.

"Go out on a date with me tonight." He comes right out and says.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. There is no way this guy is asking me out on a real date.

"Go out with me tonight. I've been wanting to take you out for a while now." He says.

"Really? No, you can't can't be serious." I tell him. "Good joke though." I laugh.

"I'm serious. Come on. The worst that could happen is you have a terrible time and after tonight, we just go back to being just friends." He mentions.

"Yeah, that never happens." I laughed a little again before trying to turn back around to look for my book still and he puts his hand up onto the shelf to stop me.

"Come on. What do you have to lose? Your reputation?" He asks jokingly.

I try not to laugh but can't hold it in anymore.

"Okay, fine. I'll go out with you tonight. But I swear if this is any part of some trick or anything, I will seriously hurt you." I warn him.

He holds his hands up in surrender while smiling.

"Deal." He replies. "I'll pick you up at six." He tells me.

"Alright." I tell him.

He then leaves and I eventually find my book.

Then by the time I got home, I had only a few more hours until he came and after taking a shower and deciding in what I should wear, I had thought about messaging him to see what I should wear but then I just chose something that was both nice but nothing too fancy and that was comfortable.

This was my first date and haven't ever been kissed really and to be honest, it makes me start to think about how things would have turned out if we had remained friends. Would we have gotten to this point already?

In our Freshman at the party, I had hoped that he would have asked me out. But maybe he has never felt this way at that time. I guess it doesn't really matter now anyways. Tonight might end up us being better off as just friends.

Then again, I need to stop reading too much into it and remember this is Arlan we are talking about.

I heard a knock on the door after turning the lights on in the house to make it look like somebody was home and so that I would be able to see where I was going when I came back home tonight.

He opened the door for me and we complimented on each other's outfits before we took off.

We pulled up to the movie theaters and went to see a movie that I have been wanting to see since it came out a few weeks ago. We bought some snacks and drinks and sat down in the back row.

We always used to sit in the back row because that way we could see the whole screen without having to hurt our necks trying to look up.

The theater wasn't too packed and it felt nice to be watching a movie in theaters with him again. He used to always steal my candy but not this time, I put my licorice on the opposite side of him in the drink holder.

The previews started and right away, I wanted to see the first movie and pretty much every movie they advertised after that.

About half way into the movie I felt his arm go behind my neck and start to rest his hand on my shoulder.

For some reason it made me start to feel a little nervous but in a good way.

He didn't move his hand like I was worried he would but then I slowly moved my left hand and enlaced our fingers together with the hand on my shoulder then felt myself start to lean over and rest my head on his shoulder.

That's when I felt his head touch the top of mine as we finished watching the movie that way.

I don't know why but there were a few times I had wished he had just turned my head to kiss me but then again, that would be moving too fast, right?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry there are no pics on the outfits they were wearing or descriptions but, I just wanted this time for you guys to think of what you yourself would have worn. :);)

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